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Science & Exploration

Vote for Top 10 SOHO images!

21/10/2003 557 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Space Science / Space for you

One of the most productive missions in space history, the ESA/NASA SOHO spacecraft celebrates the eighth anniversary of its launch on 2 December 2003, and you can take part!

To help commemorate this remarkable anniversary, a Top 10 list of SOHO's images is being produced.

We want you to help us decide which images to feature. All you have to do is tell us which five of the images you like the most on the SOHO voting page.

A prestigious award...

The SOHO team was also recently presented with the prestigious Laurels for Team Achievement Award of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA).

This award recognises the extraordinary performance and achievement by teams of scientists, engineers and managers in the field of astronautics.

The SOHO team joins a select group — this honour has been awarded only twice before to the Russian Mir Space Station Team and the US Space Shuttle Team.

...celebrating unique achievements

SOHO will be celebrating an impressive and unique list of achievements, which include:

  • producing the first ever images of the turbulent outer shell of the Sun and of the structure below sunspots;
  • making the most precise measurements of the solar temperature structure, the interior rotation and the gas flows inside the Sun;
  • measuring the acceleration of the fast and slow solar winds and discovered new solar phenomena, such as solar tornadoes;
  • revolutionising our ability to forecast space weather; and
  • helping our understanding of the impact of solar variability on Earth’s climate.

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