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Space Safety

SocialSpace Optics: watching, communicating, connecting

05/09/2014 5626 views 30 likes
ESA / Space Safety

Apply to join some of world’s top experts in spaceborne optical technology and instrumentation, optical astronomy and next-gen laser communication at ESA’s SocialSpace Optics, a social media event, on 7–8 October. 

We are inviting 30 social media followers to join us at the International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO) for a special, ESA-only, two-day social-media event in Tenerife, Spain.

The programme will include in-depth briefings from top ESA experts on Space Situational Awareness, the search for near-Earth objects, Europe’s new asteroid-hunting automated telescopes, space debris mitigation and remediation, high-speed laser communications and future planetary mission instrument technology.

The event also includes hands-on observing at ESA’s Optical Ground Station at the Teide Observatory.

Joining global experts

Laser from Optical Ground Station on Tenerife
Laser from Optical Ground Station on Tenerife

SocialSpace Optics is being organised with the support of ICSO 2014, the world’s largest meeting of experts working in optical sciences and technologies in space. Conference delegates highlight the next significant developments for lightwave technologies in all types of space missions.

The social media programme will include talks by ICSO delegates working in the areas of optical, optoelectronic and photonic technologies for space applications at the world’s top space agencies and industries. Participants will also be able to attend ICSO plenary sessions on innovative optics for the space science programmes of ESA and NASA.

Dates and venue

SocialSpace Optics will be held on 7–8 October concurrently with ICSO at the Sheraton La Caleta Hotel, Tenerife, with a bus excursion to the ESA station on Day 2.

How to apply

Asteroid 2012DA14
Asteroid 2012DA14

Unlike previous SocialSpace events, selection for this event will be based in part on an online space quiz. To apply, please enter your quiz answers and complete the application form. Be sure to include your name, social media name and contact information.


Application is for one person only and is non-transferable. Please do not submit multiple applications. All applicants must be at least 18 years old on 7 October 2014.

Unlike previous SocialSpace events, selection for this event will be based in part on an online space quiz. To apply, please enter your quiz answers and complete the application form. Be sure to include your name, social media name and contact information.

Thirty applicants will be selected to attend this SocialSpace event in part on the basis of the quiz responses.

Please note that ESA will not cover travel, accommodation or food expenses. This SocialSpace event will be held mainly in English.

Registration closes on 19 September at 10:00 GMT (12:00 CEST).

Follow @Social4Space and visit the SocialSpace blog for the latest news. The hashtag is #spaceoptics. We will use both to post updates and reminders about the event.

Once all applications have been processed, an email with confirmation information and additional instructions will be sent to those selected and those on the waiting list.

We expect to send notifications by 22 September. Please allow us time to process all the applications; we will keep you posted of progress.
Queries may be addressed to:


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