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Historical activities
This page details the previous activities of the section.
Laptops in space
Laptops that are used in space (for example, onboard the International Space Station) are subject to Single Event Upsets (SEU). Selected versions of Windows have been modified to properly recover from SEU through a Radiation Shield.
Conducted in 1994, the HOOD-Ada study was intended to improve the integration of the design phase(s) in the development life cycle for Ada software. This was done in order to evolve towards an industrialisation of HOOD/Ada technology software developments.
In 1996, the ESSDE (European Space Software Development Environment) was a complete Software Engineering Environment based on integrated COTS allowing the development of on-board software according to space quality standards.
In 1997, the objective of the ESSDE/Advanced Methods and Tools project was to enhance the ESSDE by providing better tool support for advanced software development methods. Integration of formal description techniques (formal methods, Raise and Lotos) and the transition to Ada technology, as the recommended development language in the space domain, were key issues in the project.
In 1997, the objective of the Realisme study was to provide detailed recommendations on how to use the ESTEC recommended standards, methodologies and tools to produce Real-time Spacecraft On-Board Software.
In 1994, the PROMESSE project formalised the complete ESA software development process by means of a process model specification. It then implemented an enactable Process Weaver process model meeting the specification. The Process Weaver model was validated by enacting it in a simulated environment. In parallel with the model specification and implementation, a study analysed the technical feasibility of integrating an enactment tool (such as Process Weaver) and an enactable model within the ESSDE, developing an integration strategy and estimating the work involved.
In 1999, the process modelisation was then applied to the ECSS standards in two studies: Pmod Project and ECSS Pmod Project. The study assessed and applied the ECSS Software Standards (ECSS), aiming at both modelling the related processes and verifying their utilisation in the context of ESA software. The activities included the definition and set-up of a low-cost software engineering environment supporting the enactment of the ECSS software processes in Space Software Projects. The Project went through a set of Case Studies specifically intended at supporting the verification of the ECSS Software Standards and the understanding of the issues implied by the migration from the PSS based processes to the ECSS ones. The Project identified and defined the case studies taking advantage of in place industrial co-operation of the involved companies and in particular, within the ESA Integral Software Engineering Framework, to provide a realistic context for the assessment to be performed.
ERC32 compilers
In 1998, the hardware development of the ERC32 was complemented with software developments, specially related to hard real time and focussing around the Aonix ERC32 (Alsys) compiler. The hardware and software environment was subject to an evaluation by industry.

The hardware and software environment was subject to an evaluation by industry.
Last update: 21 March 2007


More information
Laptops (zip)HOOD-AdaESSDE (zip)ATP (zip)REALISME (zip)PROMESSEPModECSS PMOD (zip)Aonix ERC32 HRT tools (zip)ERC32 evaluation workshop (zip)
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