10 May 2012
| | Credits: ESA Technicians attach a CD-ROM to the Huygens probe During the final phase of the integration activities, a CD-ROM with more than 100 000 electronic messages was mounted on the Huygens descent module. Huygens is currently on its way to Titan onboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
| | | Size hi-res: 2693 kb Credits: ESA Saturn, as seen from Titan, with Cassini just visible After entering orbit around Saturn in July 2004, the Cassini spacecraft will release the Huygens Probe in November 2004 for entry and descent through Titan's atmosphere. After the Probe's mission is completed, the Saturn Orbiter will make many close flybys of Titan to continue the global exploration of the moon during the nominal 4 year mission. In this artist's view, Saturn and two other moons are seen through Titan's hazy
| | | Credits: ESA Landers need heat shields during reentry The Huygens Probe will enter the upper layers of Titan's atmosphere at 22000 km/h, slowing to about 1400 km/h in less than 2 minutes, thanks to the friction of the Front Shield with the atmospheric gas. The temperature of the gas in the shock wave in front of the heat shield may reach 120000 °C, with the shield itself reaching 18000 °C.
| | | Size hi-res: 375 KB Credits: ESA Huygens probe descending through Titan's atmosphere Huygens will be the first spacecraft to land on a world in the outer Solar System. In January 2005, it will land on the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, and the only moon in the Solar System to possess a thick atmosphere. The Huygens data may offer clues about how life began on Earth. Huygens is currently in space, hitching a ride on NASA’s Cassini mission, which was launched by a Titan IVB/Centaur rocket on 15 October 1997. In an artist’s illustration, Huygens is here seen in the lower right corner while approaching the reddish/blue Titan moon below. Cassini is illustrated closer to Saturn.
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