European Space Agency


The EuroMoon 2000 mission as described here is both imaginative and scientifically meaningful, as well as having the necessary ingredients to stimulate the public's curiosity and interest as a New Millennium 'space event'. It would also have a high educational and cultural impact at a time when there is considerable political sensitivity to the need to motivate youth's interest in science and technology in order to stimulate future innovation in technology and methods.

The overall mission development approach, in terms of both management and procurement, needs to be drastically different from the current norm, owing to the extremely limited time available until launch (three years) and the fact that the present ESA budget outlook does not include a lunar spacecraft. Such a type of mission has not been done before. The approach needed would follow the popular trend of 'faster, cheaper, better' and EuroMoon 2000 could therefore serve as a prototype for the further application of this method of working into the Agency and with industry.

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Right Left Up Home EuroMoon 2000 (BR-122).
Published December 1996.
Developed by ESA-ESRIN ID/D.