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ESA Bulletin Number 100
Mechanical and Thermal Design of XMM
K. van Katwijk, T. van der Laan & D. Stramaccioni
- The XMM spacecraft has a conventional structure and thermal design.
Due to the long focal length of the telescopes (7.5 m), the mirrors are
far removed from the instruments. On the ground and during the
launch, the structure has to maintain the integrity of the whole
spacecraft. The thermal control does not make use of onboard
software. In orbit, the functions of the structure and the thermal
control are mixed. Their global common requirement is to relate and
align the set of mirrors at one end of the spacecraft with the set of
instruments at the other.
- Some parts of the instruments will be kept at cryogenic temperatures,
but most of the spacecraft will be kept at about room temperature. It
is the task of the thermal control to maintain these diverse
requirements by passive and active means. Under inevitably varying
thermal conditions, the structure has to stay very 'straight'.