APPLICATION AREA GEOGRAPHIC ZONE (EXAMPLE) CLIMATIC ZONE Agriculture Cameroon, Nigeria Tropical and sub-tropical regions
Rice is one of the most important crops in this region. The
supply of basic food by the domestic agriculture (self-
sufficiency) is very important for the political stability and
the independence of the countries. Good management of the rice
area (irrigation control) is necessary to ensure stable
production. Monitoring of the surface and the production allows
the government to plan exports and imports in the event of over-
or underproduction.
No direct environmental value, but good management of the
actual rice growing areas might avoid their spreading into
regions that do have a high environmental value. Specifically,
humid areas are endangered, due to favourable growth conditions
for rice.
The maintenance and extension of food supply is the major
task of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation). The
Commission of the European Union is currently investigating the
possibilities of financing a rice monitoring system with ERS-SAR
data in Indonesia.
Within different ERS-SAR pilot projects, the feasibility of
using radar data for rice monitoring could be shown (e.g. FAO-
Thailand, SCOT CONSEIL-Indonesia). Projects to test the
operational application of radar data are underway.
Although the processing methods currently applied have to be
seen as more experimental than operational, development of the
necessary reliable and simple techniques seems possible.
Due to the physical appearance of the different growth phases
of the rice plants/fields, easily identified within ERS-SAR
images, the demonstration of this application issue is extremely
interesting for Central Africa.