European Space Agency

International Space Station - Instrument Proposal Data Sheets


European Users of the Express Pallet
Instrument Proposal Datasheet

Information to the Candidate User for Completion of the Questionnaire

This questionnaire is intended to allow the capture of sufficient technical information on the proposed instruments to allow ESA to make a preliminary engineering assessment of its accommodation on, and compatibility with, the Express Pallet and the associated Space Station infrastructure.

  1. The proposer should consult the separate document "Handbook for European Users of the Express Pallet" for details of this accommodation. Please refer to the appropriate Handbook chapter reference for details of the required description/information/data.

  2. For completion of this form the proposer should fill in those spaces applicable to the instrument with a cross, a YES / NO (Y/N) or with written text as appropriate. Please complete all parts of the questionnaire. Mark those parts not relevant to the instrument NOT APPLICABLE. Do not use the abbreviation N/A as this can also be interpreted as NOT AVAILABLE.

  3. The complete questionnaire, together with any supplementary information, drawings etc., should be sent for evaluation as part of the submission described in Section 4 of the AO Main Text.

Questionnaire Parts

PART    TITLE                                       HANDBOOK
1    Key Personnel                                    2
2    Instrument Description                           3
3    Instrument Envelope(s)                           4
4    Instrument Field of View                         4
5    Instrument Mass                                  4
6    Instrument Method of Attachment                  5
7    Instrument Alignment/Pointing Requirements       3,5
8    Instrument Temperature Limits                    6,7
9    Instrument Thermal Properties                    6
10   Instrument Heat Generation Profile               6
11   Instrument Environmental Characteristics &
     Requirements                                     6,12
12   Instrument Power Demands                         7
13   Instrument Data Handling Requirements            8
14   Payload/Instrument Applications Software
     Requirements                                     9
15   Instrument On Board Command&Data Acquisition
     Requirements                                     9,11
16   Instrument On-ground Telemetry & Telecommand
     Requirements                                     9,11
17   Instrument Development and Test Philosophy       10,12,13
18   Instrument Pre-launch Requirements               11
19   Instrument Logistics Flight &
     Installation/Deinstallation  Requirements        11
20   Instrument Post-landing Requirements             11
21   Instrument Mission & Operations Requirements     11


Instrument Questionnaire


Instrument Questionnaire Content Change Record

User Sign-off Sheet

This Instrument Questionnaire is the technical document substantiating the proposal of



prepared in answer to the ESA Announcement of Opportunity


to supply the payload instrument:




Key Personnel
(Handbook Chapter 2)

European Space Agency:

Signing Authority:   Name:....................................
                     Tel.:.............  Fax.:................

Technical            Name:....................................
Representative:      Address:.................................
                     Tel.: ............  Fax.:................


Signing Authority:   Name:....................................
                     Tel.:.............  Fax.:................

Principal            Name:....................................
Investigator:        Address:.................................
                     Tel.:.............  Fax.:................

Technical            Name:....................................
Representative:      Address:.................................
                     Tel.:.............  Fax.:................

Instrument           Name:....................................
Developer            Address:.................................
                     Tel.:.............  Fax.:................

Instrument Description
(Handbook Chapter 3)

Give only a brief summary here since the scientific background shall be explained in detail in the main part of your proposal.

(1)            Instrument or Experiment Discipline

Earth Observation...............  Physical Sciences...........
Biology.........................  Solar Observation...........
Astronomy.......................  Space Environment...........
Technology......................  Commercial..................

(2)     Scientific Objectives:

(3)     Envisaged Scientific Return:

(4)     Previous Space Application of Interest:

(5)     Development Plan and Schedule:

(6)     Management Plan:

(7)     Funding Status:

(8)  Description of Instrument - Checklist :

Item                                          Attached    Not Yet     Not
                                                          Available   Applicable
Instrument General Arrangement Drawing(s)                  

Perspective/Isometric View(s) of Instrument                

Exploded/Sectional View(s) of Instrument                   

Integration/Interface Drawing(s)                           
Functional Block Diagrams:-
- Optical System                                                     
- Electrical System                                                  
- Data Handling System                                               
- Thermal System                                                     
- Other (please specify).....................              

Instrument Function                                        

Instrument/Location Attachment (Proposal)                  

Instrument GSE                                             

(8) Instrument Physical/Environmental Requirements - Checklist:

Item                       Questionnaire   Attached   Not Yet     Not
                           Parts                      Available   Applicable

Mechanical/Structure       3,4,5,6,& 7                           

Electrical                 12 & 13                               

Data Handling             13,14,15 &16                           

Thermal Environment       8,9 & 10                               

Micro-meteoroids etc.     11                                     

Radiation                 11                                     

Microgravity Environment  11                                     

Contamination             11                                     

RF/Magnetic Shielding     11                                     

(9) Instrument C/O and Operations Requirements - Checklist :

Item Questionnaire Attached Not Yet Not Parts Available Applicable Ground Operations 16,17,18,20 Logistics & Installation 19 In-orbit Operations 14,15,21 Operational Timeline 21

(10) Instrument General Arrangement

Note: The Candidate User's own drawings may be attached to this Part.

Instrument Envelope(s)
(Handbook Chapter 4)

Note: The Candidate User's own drawings may be attached to this Part.

(1) Physical Description.

An instrument may be composed of several configuration items. Name them, List their function and provide drawings.

Numbering of items to be identical in parts 3, 5, 8, 9 and 12

(2) Dimensions

Numbering of items to be identical in parts 3, 5, 8, 9 and 12

Provide dimensions for the stowed envelope or overall envelope if there are no deployments. State constraints on the physical relationship between items.

Provide dimensions for the maximum kinematic envelope (deployed appendages or envelope of volume necessary when using a pointing element) when the payload is operating.

Instrument Field of View
(Handbook Chapter 4)

Note: The Candidate User's own drawings may be attached to this Part.

(1) Viewing or Exposure Requirements

Viewing / Exposure Directions:-





Earth limb                                   


Others (specify)...........................  

Fixed viewing / exposure direction           

Variable direction                           
(ie; requiring pointing)

No preference                                

(2) Field of View Drawings (see Annex 1 for Example)

Instrument Mass
(Handbook Chapter 4)

Numbering of items to be identical in parts 3, 5, 8, 9 and 12

The total mass is assumed to include development risk margins.

  1. The Candidate User shall specify, for the CoG position, a reference point - usually a mounting hole - away from the Centre of Mass (CoM) and show this on the general arrangement drawing (see Part 2).

  2. Inertias should be calculated with respect to the CoG and shall be given for unit principle axes.

  3. The Candidate User should at least give approximate values.

Instrument Method of Attachment
(Handbook Chapters 4, 5)

Note: The Candidate User's own drawings may be attached to this Part.

(1) Interface Drawings (see Annex 2 for Example)

Instrument Alignment/Pointing Requirements
(Handbook Chapters 3, 5)

(1) Pointing requirements

The instrument requires the Coarse Pointing Device (CPD):

      Yes           No

The instrument has its own pointing system:

      Yes           No

(2) Instrument intrinsic performance:

Pointing accuracy (degree or arcsec at 1s):

Stability (±TBD degree or arcsec over TBD seconds at 1s):

(3) Please explain your requirements and concept:

Instrument Temperature Limits
(Handbook Chapters 6, 7)

Numbering of items to be identical in parts 3, 5, 8, 9 and 12

  1. Give limits on the table for flight configuration, ground storage and absolute survival.

  2. Is Stay Alive Power required?
      Yes           No

Instrument Thermal Properties
(Handbook Chapter 6)

Numbering of items to be identical in parts 3, 5, 8, 9 and 12

Does the Instrument have an independent cooling system?

 Yes Type:...........................................


Numbering of items to be identical in parts 3, 5, 8, 9 and 12

Instrument Heat Generation Profile
(Handbook Chapter 6)

For the purposes of describing variable heat generation (an "operations cycle"), please describe an irreducible observation or experiment cycle such as a complete observation, a pointing event or a set of experiment steps and measurements. Give the duration of the cycle and the conditions under which it may be suspended or aborted.

Note: These data may be submitted in graphical form, ie; as a chart showing heat dissipation (W) versus time for a) complete mission and b) an operations cycle).

Instrument Environmental Characteristics & Requirements
(Handbook Chapter 6)

(1) Environment Induced by the Instrument

RF fields produced by the instrument

Magnetic fields produced by the instrument

Microgravity disturbance caused by the instrument:-

The instrument has internal moving parts:

      Yes           No

The instrument has an internal stabilization system:

      Yes           No

The instrument generates vibrations in one or more of its operation modes:

      Yes           No

If yes, please explain in detail, specifying levels and durations.


Is Contamination produced by the instrument (eg; outgassing, shedding of particulate matter):

      Yes           No

If yes, please explain in detail.

(2) Environmental Susceptibilities of the Instrument

Instrument sensitive to RF fields

      Yes           No

If yes, state the effect on the instrument, scientific results, etc. and describe the method of shielding.

Instrument sensitive to magnetic fields

      Yes           No

If yes, state the effect on the instrument, scientific results etc. and describe the method of shielding.

Instrument sensitive to microgravity disturbance:-

The unit has specific microgravity requirements (µg levels)

      Yes           No

If yes, please specify, levels and durations.

(3) General Susceptibilities to Contamination;

List contamination types to which the instrument may be sensitive.

For each contamination type, fill in the table below:-

Impact of the components of the natural and induced space station environment on the instrument

Low impact: the instrument can continue to function as intended during non-quiescent periods.

Moderate impact: the instrument can not function as intended during non-quiescent periods, however the instrument may continue to be operated in a degraded mode without harm in these periods.

High impact: the instrument can not function in non-quiescent periods and must be temporarily shut down to avoid harm.

Very high impact: the instrument can not function in non-quiescent periods. To avoid harm it must be temporarily shut down and additional protection systems must be activated.

Instrument Power Demands
(Handbook Chapter 7)

(1) Instrument Power Demands During Mission

Numbering of items to be identical in parts 3, 5, 8, 9 and 12

Is Stay Alive Power required?    Yes     ...........W      No

Does the instrument have an independent power source?

  Yes     Type.........    Energy.......      No

(2) Power Demand During Pre-Launch and Post Landing Ground Phases

Is power required?         Yes     ...........W       No

(3) Instrument Power Profile

For the purposes of describing variable resource use (an "operations cycle"), please describe an irreducible observation or experiment cycle such as a complete observation, a pointing event or a set of experiment steps and measurements. Give the duration of the cycle and the conditions under which it may be suspended or aborted. If the cycle chosen is the same as for Part 10, all that is needed is for this to be indicated.

Note: These data may be submitted in graphical form, ie; as a chart showing power consumption (W) versus time for a) complete mission and b) an operations cycle).

Phase/Activity                     Power (w)      Duration

(4) Instrument Grounding

Does the instrument comply with EXPRESS Pallet requirements?

      Yes         No

Instrument Data Handling Requirements
(Handbook Chapter 8)

(1) Instrument/EXPRESS Pallet Interface



(2)  Type of Data Delivered

   Proprocessed Serial    RS232


   Unprocessed               Digital      No. of channels
                               Analogue     No. of channels

   Fault/Status Indication   Digital      No. of channels
                               Analogue     No. of channels

(3) Data Rates via EXPRESS Pallet MIL-STD-1553B bus

(4) Is the HRDL required?

   yes     Data rate required................................
             Duration use (per day) in minutes........................


(5)  Data Storage

   by SPLC

   by ISS

   by Instrument


(6)  Data Buffer

   by SPLC

   by ISS

  incorporated in Instrument  Size...................kBytes

(7)  ProgrammeStorage required by SPLC

  Yes                         Size...................kBytes


(8) Command and Monitoring Functions

Is health signal from ISS required?



Is discrete monitoring required?


     For which purpose(s)


Instrument Command Profile:

No. of high-level commands    ........................

No. of discrete commands      ........................

No. of packetised commands    ........................

No. of additional commands    ........................

     For which purpose(s)

(9) Data Acquisition Profile

Source of data:

Data Generation Profile

For the purposes of describing variable resource use (an "operations cycle"), please describe an irreducible observation or experiment cycle such as a complete observation, a pointing event or a set of experiment steps and measurements. Give the duration of the cycle and the conditions under which it may be suspended or aborted. If the cycle chosen is the same as for Part 10, all that is needed is for this to be indicated.

Note: These data may be submitted in graphical form, ie; as a chart showing data acquisition (bps) versus time for a) a complete mission, b) an operations cycle.

Phase/Activity      Duration    Net Data Generation Rate (bps)   Remarks

(10) Instrument Schedule/Timeline

  Controlled externally

  Controlled by Instrument

(11)  Instrument Time Reference Requirements

Does the instrument require a clock?


     Accuracy  .............................

     Resolution  ...........................

With what terrestrial or on-board reference time should the clock be
     synchronised? ..............................................................


(12)  Instrument-specific/Special Requirements

Payload Instrument Applications Software Requirements
(Handbook Chapter 9)

  1. Instrument Modules, Nominal Operation:
    (provide draft list, eg; activation, mode transition, deactivation etc.)

  2. Instrument Modules, Contingency Operation:
    (provide draft list, eg; HV shut down, emergency off, etc.)

Instrument Onboard Command & Data Acquisition Requirements
(Handbook Chapters 9, 11)

(1) Type of data required by crew

(2) Are real time data required?



(3)  Command Data

     No. of commands to be transmitted per orbit  ........................
     No of real time commands   ..................................

Instrument On-Ground Telemetry & Telecommand Requirements
(Handbook Chapters 9, 11)

(1)  Location of USOC

(2)  Location of User Home Base (if applicable)

(3)  Data Transmission from COF-CC

     INTERNET (eg; via FTP or WWW)

     Hard storage media eg; tape or disk

     Other .............................

(4)  Type of data required by user at ground facility

(5)  Are real time telemetry data required?



(6)  Telecommand Data

     No. of telecommands to be transmitted per orbit ..................
     No of real time telecommands .............................

(7) Command Data Transmission Profile

For the purposes of describing variable resource use (an "operations cycle"), please describe an irreducible observation or experiment cycle such as a complete observation, a pointing event or a set of experiment steps and measurements. Give the duration of the cycle and the conditions under which it may be suspended or aborted. If the cycle chosen is the same as for Part 10, all that is needed is for this to be indicated.

Note:  These data may be submitted in graphical form, ie; as a chart showing
       command transmission versus time for a) a complete mission, b) an
       operations cycle.

Phase/Activity      Duration      Command Data Rate (bps)    Remarks

Instrument Development & Test Philosophy
(Handbook chapter 10)

(1) Applied Instrument Model Philosophy

(2) Instrument Test, Acceptance and Qualification Approach

(3) Description of Instrument Test Equipment

Instrument Pre-Launch Requirements
(Handbook Chapter 11)

(1) Nominal Payload Processing Requirements in tbd location(s)

- Removal/Replacement of Items

     Yes  Required time in hours .................................


-  Alignment Measurement

     Yes  Required time in hours .................................


- Calibration while integrated on EXPRESS Pallet Adapter

     Yes  Required time in hours .................................


- Insensitive Sample/Probe Installation

     Yes  Required time in hours .................................


- Confidence Test/ Check Out

     Yes  Required time in hours .................................


(2)  Hazardous Payload Processing Requirements

     Yes  Required time in hours .................................


(3)  Late Access Requirements

(4)  Power/Control Interface Requirement

Instrument Logistics Flight & Installation/Deinstallation Requirements
(Handbook Chapter 11)

(1) During Transportation

Temperature monitoring is required;



Temperature control is required;



(2)  During Installation/Deinstallation



Temperature control is required;



Instrument Post-Landing Requirements
(Handbook Chapter 11)

(1) Nominal Payload Processing Requirements in tbd location(s)

- Removal of Items

     Yes  Required time in hours  .................................


-  Alignment Measurement

     Yes  Required time in hours  .................................


- Calibration while integrated on EXPRESS Pallet Adapter

     Yes  Required time in hours  .................................


- Insensitive Sample/Probe Deinstallation

     Yes  Required time in hours  .................................


- Confidence Test/ Check Out

     Yes  Required time in hours  .................................


(2)  Hazardous Payload Processing Requirements

     Yes  Required time in hours  .................................


(3)  Early Access Requirements

(4)  Power/Control Interface Requirement

Instrument Mission & Operation Requirements
(Handbook Chapter 11)

(1) Required Mission Profile

For the purposes of describing a variable profile (an "operations cycle"), please describe an irreducible observation or experiment cycle such as a complete observation, a pointing event or a set of experiment steps and measurements. Give the duration of the cycle and the conditions under which it may be suspended or aborted. If the cycle chosen is the same as for Part 10, all that is needed is for this to be indicated.

Note: These data may be submitted in graphical form, ie; as a chart the a) a mission profile, b) an operations cycle.

Phase/Activity      Duration  Explanation


A. Field of View Drawing Example.

B. Interface Drawing Example.

Annex A

Annex B

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Right Left Up Home SP1201
Published December 1996.
Developed by ESA-ESRIN ID/D.