Section 3: the Hardware

Instruments for Biological Investigations on Sounding Rockets

A. Cogoli & U. Friedrich

This section describes the facilities used for biological experiments on sounding rockets. The modules are summarised in Table 3.1. There are two main series: the TEXUS experiment modules (TEM) essentially flown on TEXUS, and the cell-in-space (CIS) modules flown on MASER.

Table 3.1. Modules used for biological experiments on sounding rockets, in chronological order of first flight (see also Table 1.1).

Instrument               Topic                                       Flight

TEM 06-5                Electro-cell-fusion                         TEXUS 11,13,17, 19,21,25,28
TEM 06-11               Electro-cell-fusion, genetransfection       TEXUS 14B,22, 26
TEM 06-15               Developmental biology                       TEXUS 17, MASER 3
TEM KT (Kayser-Threde)  Graviperception in plants                   TEXUS 18, 19
TEM 06-13               Free-flow electrophoresis                   TEXUS 18, 20
CIS-1                   Cellular interactions, signal transduction  MASER 3
TEM 06-16               Graviperception in plants                   TEXUS 21, 25, 28
TEM BIO (Kayser-Threde) Graviperception in plants                   TEXUS 23
TEM 06-19               Graviperception in swimming unicells        TEXUS 23, 26, 27
TEM 04-1 (06-13)        Free-flow electrophoresis                   TEXUS 24
CIS-2                   Fertilisation, signal transduction          MASER 4
TEM 04-2                Continuous flow electrophoresis             TEXUS 27, 28
TEM 06-5                Gravitaxis of flagellated cells             TEXUS 28, 29, 30
CIS-3                   Electro-cell-fusion, signal transduction,   MASER 5
TEM 06-5M               Signal transduction                         MAXUS 1B
TEM 06-21               Electro-cell-fusion                         TEXUS 30, 32
CIS-4                   Developmental biology, signal transduction  MASER 6

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Left Up Home SP1206
Published April 1997.
Developed by ESA-ESRIN ID/D.