Life Sciences Research in Space, 3rd symposium, ESA SP-271 (1987) NLG 80.- Life Sciences Research in Space, 4th symposium, ESA SP-307 (1990) sold out Life Sciences Research in Space, 5th symposium, ESA SP-366 (1994) NLG 80.- Life Sciences Research in Space, 6th symposium, ESA SP-390 (1996) NLG 100.- BIORACK on Spacelab D1, ESA SP-1091 (1988) sold out BIORACK on Spacelab IML-1, ESA SP-1162 (1995) NLG 80.- Biological Experiments on Bion-8 and Bion-9, ESA SP-1190 (1996) NLG 35.- Life Science Experiments on Sounding Rockets 1985-1994, ESA SP-1206 (1997,in print) NLG 80.- Anthrorack on the Spacelab D-2 mission, ESA SP-1191 (1997, in print) --
Requests for copies of these publications should be sent to:
ESA Publications Division
Attn.: Mr H.F.B. de Zwaan
c/o ESTEC (IP)
P.O. Box 299
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
The following book (not available from the ESTEC Publications Division) is also recommended reading:
Biological and Medical Research in Space, D. Moore, P. Bie & H. Oser (eds.), Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-60636-X (1996).
A database on microgravity experiments (ESA Microgravity Experiments Data Base, in short MGDB) can be found on the Internet at WWW address: