K.-P. Wenzel
The 1995-96 reporting period for the Solar System Division has
been a period of highly satisfying achievements, sadly
overshadowed by two disastrous launch failures. The positive side
includes events and results such as:
- the SOHO launch, and the first-class scientific
operations, led by Divisional staff, at the Experiment Operations
Facility (EOF) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC);
- the first pass of the Ulysses spacecraft over the North
polar region of the Sun and the start of the Second Solar Orbit;
- the excellent performance of the Luminosity Oscillation
Imager instrument on SOHO with its initial results;
- the continued scientific output from the COSPIN
investigation on Ulysses;
- the excellent operation of the Solid State Telescopes on the
Wind spacecraft and its scientific output;
- the completion and integration of the Huygens payload, with
divisional hardware contributions to two investigations;
- the pre-selection of the Rosetta orbiter and lander
payloads, with divisional hardware contributions to instruments;
- the leadership provided to establish a firm future role of
Fundamental Physics in ESA's Science Programme;
- and, last but not least, a multitude of scientific
publications led by or with significant contributions from
scientists of the Division.
The Division was hit badly in 1996 - as were many European
space plasma/planetary science institutes - by the losses of the
four Cluster spacecraft and of Mars 96, including the
instrumentation provided by the Division.
Published August 1997.