B.G. Taylor
The 1995-96 reporting period for the Astrophysics Division has
been a particularly satisfying one, including events and results
such as:
the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) launch, and the efficient
and first class operation of the Science Operations Centre at
Villafranca, following the hard and sometimes difficult work in
the development phase at ESTEC;
- the SAX launch, and the excellent operation of the Division-
provided LECS instrument;
- a world 'first' with the practical realisation of a high-
efficiency, colour discriminating superconducting photon-counting
detector working from the ultraviolet, through optical to the
- the completion and release to PIs of the Hipparcos and Tycho
Catalogues within the schedule approved by the Scientific
Programme Committee (SPC) pre-launch;
- consolidation of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) operations and
scientific results after correction of the spherical aberration;
- continued scientific output from COMPTEL on the Compton
Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO);
- the recommendation of GAIA (one of the two leading proposers
being a Division scientist) as a potential Cornerstone mission
in Horizon 2000 Plus;
- a number of well-attended and productive symposia organised
by Division scientists on the subjects of INTEGRAL, HST, GAIA,
Far-Infrared Detectors and Gamma-ray Bursts;
- the selection of a major new astronomy mission, Planck
(previously COBRAS/SAMBA).
The satisfaction, though, is tempered by the cessation of IUE
operations after 18 years of high-quality scientific
Published August 1997.