European Space Agency

Planetary Research: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Ground-based observations of comets

In preparation for the International Rosetta Mission (see International Rosetta Mission: the comet rendezvous mission), the potential target comets and asteroids have to be observed and monitored to provide crucial parameters for spacecraft and mission design: nucleus radius, rotation period, onset and evolution of activity, dust and gas production rates, and astrometric observations to be able to precisely determine the orbit of the nucleus (Schulz & Schwehm, 1996).

Organised out of the scientific community and led by H. Boehnhardt, Univ. München (D) and R. Schulz (SSD from November 1996), a ground-based observation campaign has been organised. Comet 46 P/Wirtanen, the target comet in the baseline mission, was recovered mid-1995 and has been regularly observed since March 1996 (Fig. Recently, space-based observations with HST and ISO were added to the data base.

Comet 46 P/Wirtanen
Figure Comet 46 P/Wirtanen in September 1996. This R-filter image was obtained at the European Southern Observatory, ESO, La Silla, Chile, with the EFOSC2 instrument mounted on the ESO/MPI 2.2 m Telescope. Observers: R. Schulz and G.P. Tozzi (Oss. Astrophysico di Arcetri, Firenze, I).

G. Schwehm, a Co-I in the collaboration, participated in observing campaigns of potential back-up targets from Calar Alto, Spain and of Comet Wirtanen from ESO, La Silla, Chile.

Schulz, R. & Schwehm, G. (1996). Planet. Space Sci. 44, 619.

Comet nucleus modelling

The successful implementation of the Rosetta mission - very close orbits around the nucleus and the deployment of a lander on its surface are required - needs a good understanding of the evolution of the near-nucleus dust and gas environment and of the nucleus surface properties, e.g. strength, density and roughness. R. Orosei, during his stay at SSD, in collaboration with the Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale, Rome, developed a numerical model simulating the physical evolution and chemical differentiation of a cometary nucleus (Orosei et al., 1995).

A comet nucleus is described as a porous aggregate of ices and dust in which solar heating causes the sublimation of volatiles and the ejection of dust particles lifted by the flow of the escaping gases. The numerical model solves the heat conduction and the gas diffusion equations throughout the nucleus made of H2O ice, CO2 ice and dust particles of different sizes. The equations are coupled via the source terms, which describe the sublimation and recondensation of ices as latent heat or mass exchanges. The ejection of dust particles is allowed when the drag exerted on a grain by the outflowing gas is stronger than the gravitational pull of the nucleus. Unbound grains that cannot be ejected form a layer of dust that darkens the nucleus, which, in turn, absorbs a larger fraction of the incoming solar energy. The calculations are performed under the assumption that the gas in the pore network acts as a perfect gas, and that sublimation and recondensation are instantaneous in order to keep local thermodynamic equilibrium. The results show that the fraction of large grains in the dust size distribution is critical in determining the final fate of the comet nucleus. The model calculations show that the nucleus can either disintegrate completely or turn into an inactive, asteroid-like object due to the formation of a thick, insulating dust crust. The variability of the albedo can determine a cyclic pattern in the comet activity, alternating phases of gas and dust emission with periods of dormancy.

Together with scientists from the Rosetta Lander Consortium and the Rosetta Interdisciplinary Scientists, the Rosetta Project Scientist is involved in an effort to create a working model of Comet Wirtanen. The group will establish a model of the nucleus that can provide the design and test criteria for the Rosetta Lander and its payload complement, by critically assessing the potential physical boundaries of crucial parameters that describe the nucleus and incorporating all available observational data.

A report will summarise the results of three workshops and a synthesis of the modelling efforts and approaches from scientists with different research backgrounds, ranging from ice physics, chemistry to solid state physics and mineralogy. It will be published in 1997.

Orosei, R. et al. (1995). A&A 301, 613.

Cosmic dust and space debris studies

Galileo and Ulysses Dust Detectors
For several years, the twin dust detectors aboard Galileo and Ulysses (PI: E. Grün, MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, D) have provided new data for the study of the properties and dynamics of the interplanetary dust cloud and the population of interstellar grains penetrating into the solar system.

G. Schwehm has collaborated with the group at MPI-K for many years. The international consortium analysing these data has grown to include nearly all the institutes working in this field. Data from both spacecraft are available to all scientists. In 1997 a similar instrument will be launched on Cassini to extend the spatial coverage to the regions up to Saturn and its system.

Collimated streams of submicron-sized dust were detected by the Ulysses dust detector coming from a source in the Jovian system. This was confirmed by Galileo's detector, which also detected dust streams in interplanetary space on its approach to Jupiter (Gr&$252;n et al., 1996).

Galileo observed at least two different sizes of dust particles: small submicron-sized particles during the approach to Jupiter all the way up to closest approach to Io, and bigger micron-sized dust grains just inside a distance of about 10 RJ. The measurements of the submicron-sized particles are consistent with dust grains emitted from Io, whereas the bigger micron-sized dust grains are particles in orbit about Jupiter or interplanetary grains that are gravitationally concentrated near Jupiter.

Hiten and GORID results
The Division is participating actively in the study of Cosmic Dust and Space Debris by analysis of data provided by instruments largely developed within the Division (H. Svedhem). The dust instruments on Hiten and Bremsat have provided large data sets, where a lot of analysis remains to be done. The Hiten dust experiment sampled the regions between the Earth and the Moon for 2 years and the lunar region for 1 year as a lunar orbiter. The majority of the ~500 particles detected during this time were found to have more or less circular heliocentric orbits (Fig. The instrument showed the best evidence so far for the existence of the beta meteoroids, small particles on hyperbolic orbits, driven out of the solar system by solar radiation pressure. An interesting result is the discovery of interstellar particles at 1 AU heliocentric distance. These particles have been found by Ulysses and Galileo instruments, but only at larger heliocentric distances. The direction of the influx of the interstellar particles corresponds fairly well to what is seen by these two probes in spite of the large electrodynamic forces the particles experienced on their inward journey. The major forces on the particles are the gravitational focusing by the Sun, solar radiation pressure and Lorentz forces due to particle charge and the heliospheric magnetic field. The two last forces, in turn, depend on time and location and on the properties of the particles themselves. Therefore, a theoretical treatment will be very sensitive to the models used and will result in uncertain predictions. In situ measurements are thus of high importance.

flux of dust particles by Hiten
Figure The flux of dust particles detected by the Hiten experiment plotted as a function of detector pointing direction in ecliptic longitude. The excess at 220° is possibly due to interstellar particles.

The Bremsat dust experiment orbited on the small university satellite for 1 year in a low Earth, low inclination orbit before reentering in February 1995. During this year, several thousand impacts were detected, the vast majority being space debris particles like minor satellite fragments and rocket exhaust particles. The analysis of these data are somewhat complicated since the plasma environment in this low orbit presents a significantly higher noise level to the detector than in inter- planetary space. In addition, the average impact velocity for Earth-orbiting dust is lower than the interplanetary average impact velocity.

The most recent addition to the fleet of dust detectors is the GORID (Geostationary Orbit Impact Detector) experiment (Fig., launched on the Russian geostationary telecommunication satellite Express 2 on 26 September 1996. The experiment, the Ulysses flight spare model, built by MPI-K, Heidelberg, was refurbished and recalibrated. It is operated by the Division, in cooperation with the ESA Technical Directorate, MPI-K and NPO-PM, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, and is the first instrument of this type measuring dust in GEO. It is performing well. Preliminary analysis shows an impact rate of 1-3/day. In addition to the characterisation of the GEO dust environment, the instrument will provide important data for long-term statistics of the interplanetary and, hopefully, interstellar dust (Express 2 lifetime is 7 years). Interesting correlation with the simultaneous measurements by the Ulysses and Galileo detectors will be attempted.

sensor part of GORID
Figure The sensor part of the GORID experiment. Ions and electrons are generated by dust particle impacts on the gold-covered hemispherical target seen in the inner back of the detector. The aperture area is 0.1 m².

Grün, E. et al. (incl. G. Schwehm). (1996). Science 274, 399.

Cosmic dust: fullerenes in space, large molecules and Diffuse Interstellar Bands

The search for fullerenes and PAHs, and new evidence for C60+ in space
Following the discovery of two Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs) at 9577 Å and 9632 Å that could be ascribed to the cation C60+ (Foing & Ehrenfreund, 1994), these authors recently obtained new observations of the C60+ bands from the Canadian-French Hawaiian Telescope (CFHT) and ESO La Silla (Foing & Ehrenfreund, 1997). These provide new evidence for interstellar C60+ in addition to the earlier match with laboratory spectra. The high quality of the spectra and reduced telluric water absorption at these sites allowed us to confirm, without doubt, the presence of the two DIBs and to measure their strength, width and ratio reliably. The two DIBs correlate perfectly in different environments. Together, they decrease in a UV-shielded cold cloud but increase in a unique way among DIBs in a region dominated by extreme UV radiation in Orion, with a constant band ratio. As expected by arising from a common carrier, both DIBs show the same width (3 cm-1), consistent with the rotational contour broadening of C60 fullerene molecules (Fig.

telluric corrected spectrum HD183143
Figure Telluric corrected spectrum of HD183143 (spectral type B71ae) observed under very dry conditions at CFHT with the two diffuse bands of 9577 Å and 9632 Å. The star's spectrum has been divided, after instrumental corrections, by the spectrum of a reference star of similar spectral type. This allowed division of the stellar lines and limiting of flat field variations. Residuals from telluric water lines are almost absent.

Recent studies suggest carbon-containing molecules as stable molecules in space and as carriers of the unidentified DIBs. We have searched for coronene (C 24H12) and ovalene (C32H14) cations in the near-IR spectrum of DIBs, and derive limits on their presence to less than 0.05% of cosmic carbon (Ehrenfreund, Foing et al., 1995). To explain these limits, we proposed a possible selective destruction mechanism of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) through dication formation. We are now also searching for fullerene compounds, which are not expected to suffer from this dication destruction mechanism.

Discovery of substructures in DIBs as evidence for large gas-phase molecule carriers
From high resolution R=70 000 and high signal/noise narrow spectra, Ehrenfreund & Foing (1996) resolved two or three peak substructures and wing asymmetries in the spectral profiles of three narrow DIBs. The measured profiles show specific similarities with branches of calculated rotational contours of gas phase molecular spectra. We measured small changes of the profile substructures with line of sight conditions. By comparison with model calculations of PAHs and fullerenes, our observations indicate that the molecular carriers of the DIBs 5797, 6379 and 6613 Å have rotational constants smaller than 0.004 cm-1 and would correspond to large PAH molecules with more than 40 C atoms, chains of 12-18 C, 30 C rings or 60/C70 fullerenes. Recent higher resolution spectra (110 000) at OHP and ESO obtained in 1996 have confirmed both these results and a predicted increase of peak separation with temperature.

A new reference target for tracking the carriers of Diffuse Interstellar Bands
Ehrenfreund, Cami, Dartois & Foing (1997) report the discovery of a remarkable target (BD63 1964) for DIB studies. The unusual DIB strengths allowed the confirmation of DIBs previously denoted only as probable because of their weakness in most lines of sight. We compared the DIB spectrum towards this star and the well-studied earlier reference star HD183143. Line of sight parameters, such as far-UV extinction and Ca I abundance, indicate a denser environment that can shield molecules efficiently from far-UV radiation. The relative enhancement of many narrow DIBs was discussed in the context of neutral fullerene compounds or large PAHs. The relative weakening of broader strong DIBs indicates carriers with different photoionisation or recombination rates.

Ehrenfreund, P. & Foing, B.H. (1996). A&A 307, L25.
Ehrenfreund, P., Foing, B.H. et al. (1995). A&A29, 213.
Ehrenfreund, P., Cami, J., Dartois, E. & Foing, B.H. (1997). A&A Lett. 318, L28.
Foing, B.H. & Ehrenfreund, P. (1994). Nature 369, 296
Foing, B.H. & Ehrenfreund, P. (1997). A&A 317, L59

Electrical properties of the surface of Mercury

Solar photons interact directly with the surface of Mercury due to the absence of an atmosphere. One hemisphere is therefore covered with a photoelectron layer that may play a role in the horizontal transport of charges and the coupling between the planet and its magnetosphere. The photoelectrons have a mean kinetic energy of about 1.6 eV and a current density of 0.1-0.2 mA/m2 at the subsolar point. The corresponding saturation current for the entire sunlit area is 1.7-3.7 GA. The conductance of the sheath is approximately 10-5 S, 30- 400 times larger than the height-integrated transverse conductivity of the exosphere. Photoemission can also ensure the electrical continuity between the planet and its exosphere, closing subsurface and magnetospheric currents (Fig. This phenomenon should be taken into account in any modelling of the environment of Mercury. A similar process cannot take place at Earth, because its surface emits no photoelectrons and is electrically insulated from the magnetosphere by a neutral atmosphere.

surface of Mercury
Figure Charge exchange between the surface of Mercury and its environment.

Grard, R. (1997). Planet. Space Sci. 45, 67.

Planetary geology

Planetary geology research in the Division is focusing on the study of potential landing sites for Mars missions and on the interpretation of terrestrial impact structures. In the framework of the Intermarsnet study (see, research on potential landing sites for a network of stations on Mars was carried out, including the methodology for selecting such sites according to scientific requirements and technical constraints (De Angelis & Chicarro, 1996). A network of stations on Mars addresses scientific objectives that are global in nature (seismology, meteorology, rotational dynamics), a fact that must be accounted for in the site evaluation. However, site characterisation (geology, geochemistry, mineralogy) from the surface, from orbit and during lander descent is important for understanding the evolution of the planet, and cannot be complete without additional detailed investigations (magnetic field, iron and volatile studies, exobiology and atmospheric structure). In practice, these scientific objectives dictate a number of requirements for the network, such as separation between stations in the order of 1000 km to allow regional and global internal structure studies, proximity to expected seismically active regions, variety of geological units (volcanic plains, cratered highlands, channel materials), variety of ages (determined from crater counting), variety of exposed materials (both igneous and sedimentary rocks), maximal latitudinal coverage to enable global meteorological studies, and regions of expected variations in radiation environment and volatile content.

Also, technical constraints limit the range of realistic landing sites. These include terrain homogeneity within the landing uncertainty ellipse, latitude and altitude constraints for lander delivery and solar cell power generation, and complementarity with surface stations from previous and future missions to Mars. After considering about 100 sites that satisfy most of the scientific requirements, a number of sets of technically feasible and scientifically meaningful landing sites were studied in depth to provide Intermarsnet with several realistic mission scenarios.

To diversify the scope of planetary geology activities in the Division, discussions, initiated by A. Chicarro, have begun to address a new theme in our research programme: the study of impact craters on Earth from a geological, geophysical and geochemical point of view, both from orbit and in the field. Impact craters on the Earth represent a unifying theme between planetary geology and terrestrial geosciences studies. Impact cratering is the most common geological process in the solar system. All planetary surfaces show the scars of the early heavy bombardment as well as the more recent one from meteorites and other bodies. Direct access to terrestrial impact craters, including sampling of deformed and surrounding materials, is by definition much easier than that for any other body in the solar system.

De Angelis & Chicarro, A. (1996). Planet. Space Sci. 44, 1325.

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