This special issue of Acta Futura on Space Architecture presents a selection of advanced concepts related to establishing an extra-terrestrial outpost.
Operational Lessons Learnt from the 2013 ILEWG
EuroMoonMars-B Analogue Campaign for Future
Habitat Operations on the Moon and Mars
Cross, Matthew and
Battler, Melissa and
Maiwald, Volker and
van 't Woud, Hans and
Ono,Ayako and
Schlacht, Irene Lia and
Orgel, Csilla and
Foing, Bernard and
McIsaac, Ken
Human Exploration of Cis-Lunar Space via Assets
Tele-Operated from EML2 (HECATE)
Marilena , Di Carlo and
Barbera, Daniele and
Conte, Davide and
Mintus, Agata and
Romero Martin, Juan Manuel and
Budzyn, Dorota and
Teofili, Lorenzo and
Grys, Szymon and
Jamieson, Jonathan and
Hay, Craig and
Lund, Thomas and
Ikeda, Nauromi and
Volpe, Renato and
Fleming, Douglas
A Feasibility Study for A Short Duration Human
Mission to the Martian Surface
Baldelli, Marco and
Brown, Samuel and
Ferrero, Alberto and
Hardy, Oliver and
Henson, Rachel and
Menghini, Lorenzo and
Moreno-Torres Bertran, Gerard and
Pisacreta, Jacopo and
Silvestrelli, Silvio and
Volponi, Marco and
Zailani, Ameer
An ISRU-Based Architecture for Human Habitats on
Mars: the 'Lava Hive' Concept
Cowley, Aidan and
Imhof, Barbara and
Teeney, Leo and
Waclavicek, Rene' and
Spina, Francesco and
Canals, Alberto and
Schleppi,Juergen and
Soriano, Pablo Lopez