This issue contains original papers from various teams participating to the 9th edition of the Global Trajectory Optimization Competition (the Kessler Run) as well as a paper from the competition organizers.
GTOC9: Results from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(team JPL)
Petropoulos, Anastassios and
Grebow, Daniel and
Jones, Drew and
Lantoine, Gregory and
Nicholas, Austin and
Roa, Javier and
Senent, Juan and
Stuart, Jeffrey and
Arora, Nitin and
Pavlak, Thomas and
Lam, Try and
McElrath, Timothy and
Roncoli, Ralph and
Garza, David and
Bradley, Nicholas and
Landau, Damon and
Tarzi, Zahi and
Laipert, Frank and
Bonfiglio, Eugene and
Wallace, Mark and
Sims, Jon
GTOC 9: Results from University of Strathclyde
(team Strath++)
Absil, Carlos Ortega and
Ricciardi, Lorenzo and
Di Carlo, Marilena and
Greco, Cristian and
Serra, Romain and
Polnik, Mateusz and
Vroom, Aram and
Riccardi, Annalisa and
Minisci, Edmondo and
Vasile, Massimiliano
GTOC 9: Results from the University of Colorado at
Boulder (team CU Boulder)
Parrish, Nathan L. and
Scheeres, Daniel J. and
Tardivel, Simon and
Venigalla, Chandrakanth and
Aziz, Jonathan and
Pellegrino, Marielle and
Fuentes, Oscar and
De Smet, Stijn
GTOC 9: Results from the Astrodynamics Research
Group of Penn State (team ARGoPS)
Conte, Davide and
Goodyear, Andrew and
Reiter, Jason and
Paik, Ghanghoon and
He, Guanwei and
Nayyar, Mollik and
Shaw, Matthew and
Small, Jeffrey and
Everett, Jason