22 Jun 2005

Performance Statistics on Distributed Computing for Ionospheric Data Processing - First run

Latest: the computation process has been finished on Wednesday, 22.06.2005., 21:17 PM, after 5 days 6 hours and 17 minutes.

Latest: shortly after 1PM, 22.06.2005, the sum of the CPU frequencies of the momentarily active computers went above 30 GHz - corresponding to the performance value of 30ยท109 double precision floating point operations per second (30 GFlops). Enjoy your meal, dear Users!

The distributed computing server was started at 15:00 on Friday, 17.06.2005. The client (screen saver) was sent to the users shortly before this - the increasing available CPU power can be observed on the charts during the first hours, as the users were deploying the clients.

Overall statistics after the first 126.3 hours (21:17, 22.06.2005):

  • Server running time: 7577 minutes (126.3 hours)
  • Number of contacted clients: 27
  • Theoretical peak performance (1): 41.2 GFlops
  • Processed data records: 2 035 046 out of 2 035 046
  • Overall progression: 100 %
  • Average client availability (2): 17.1 hrs / day (71.3 %)
  1. According to double precision floating point computations and assuming Intel P3/P4 architectures.
  2. The average idle time percentage of the user computers. It shows how much time an average client runs the screensaver.
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