Cassini 2

Here we consider a different model for the Cassini trajectory with respect to the "Cassini1" case: deep space maneuvers are allowed between each one of the planets. This leads to a higher dimensional problem and to a higher complexity. We also consider, in the objective function evaluation, the final DV as a rendezvous rather than as an orbital insertion as in the "Cassini1" case.
The code
- MATLAB: use the function cassini2.m and pass to it the MGAproblem variable contained in cassini2.mat
- C++: call the function "double cassini2(const std::vector & x)" provided in the GTOPtoolbox.
- C++ (PaGMO): use the class pagmo::problem::cassini_2
- Python 2.7 (PyGMO): use PyGMO.problem.cassini_2().obj_fun(x)
Problem Description
The box bounds on each of the decision vector variable are given below.
State | Variable | Lower Bounds | Upper Bounds | Units |
x(1) | t0 | -1000 | 0 | MJD2000 |
x(2) | Vinf | 3 | 5 | km/sec |
x(3) | u | 0 | 1 | n/a |
x(4) | v | 0 | 1 | n/a |
x(5) | T1 | 100 | 400 | days |
x(6) | T2 | 100 | 500 | days |
x(7) | T3 | 30 | 300 | days |
x(8) | T4 | 400 | 1600 | days |
x(9) | T5 | 800 | 2200 | days |
x(10) | eta1 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(11) | eta2 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(12) | eta3 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(13) | eta4 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(14) | eta5 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(15) | r_p1 | 1.05 | 6 | n/a |
x(16) | r_p2 | 1.05 | 6 | n/a |
x(17) | r_p3 | 1.15 | 6.5 | n/a |
x(18) | r_p4 | 1.7 | 291 | n/a |
x(19) | b_incl1 | -pi | pi | rad |
x(20) | b_incl2 | -pi | pi | rad |
x(21) | b_incl3 | -pi | pi | rad |
x(22) | b_incl4 | -pi | pi | rad |
No other constraints are considered for this problem. The objective function is considered to the precision of meters per second.
The best solutions submitted to this problem are listed below in chronological order
Author | Affiliation | Date | Obj Fun | Solutions | Algo |
T., Vinko, D., Izzo | European Space Agency | March, 2008 | 8.924 km/s | x=[-815.144, 3, 0.623166, 0.444834, 197.334, 425.171, 56.8856, 578.523, 2067.98, 0.01, 0.470415, 0.01, 0.0892135, 0.9, 1.05044, 1.38089, 1.18824, 76.5066, -1.57225, -2.01799, -1.52153, -1.5169] | DE |
B. Addis, A. Cassioli, M. Locatelli, F. Schoen | Global Optimization Laboratory, University of Florence and University of Turin | May, 2008 | 8.530 km/s | x=[-775.073192377, 3.34939840763, 0.519859871615, 0.377648835192, 164.514496917, 420.857826262, 54.7953357438, 587.550012334, 2172.83783929, 0.666969680984, 0.437098773474, 0.0143681690338, 0.0151496118993, 0.0852702838402, 1.54714942102, 1.18980793974, 1.25955058062, 71.3030467945, -1.62797088705, -1.98297404025, -1.53976626419, -1.51425029677] | MBH |
M. Vasile, E. Minisci | University of Glasgow | July, 2008 | 8.419 km/s | x=[ -778.047305631216, 3.18312649956441, 0.517194165210629, 0.399454532008061, 164.47695637194, 423.970795573978, 54.7479052540502 589.990666953636, 2199.60570034135, 0.762963004566719, 0.550121138102629, 0.0126601160795708, 0.17223077205906, 0.270111519882677, 1.42837324938403, 1.1774879453091, 1.26425574056075, 70.1906989621161, -1.59765413874108, -1.98140734837078, -1.53978935969435, -1.51329954805784] | DE |
M. Vasile, E. Minisci, M. Locatelli | University of Glasgow, University of Turin | July, 2008 | 8.409 km/s | x=[-779.060197373242, 3.32046443745595, 0.531333503613675, 0.376218447342955, 168.685775870437, 422.672656805198, 53.3360098337041, 589.777827855018, 2200, 0.718720247401635, 0.532962541494841, 0.159170896444411, 0.470495109020601, 0.0986526263521857, 1.46946051297954, 1.05138706406598, 1.30594027188689, 69.8194077461197, -1.60160853231321, -1.9600386515463, -1.55445003054861, -1.51343200828766] | MBH |
B. Addis, A. Cassioli, M. Locatelli, F. Schoen | Global Optimization Laboratory, University of Florence and University of Turin | Sept., 2008 | 8.405 km/s | x=[-778.765203484, 3.23018448427, 0.523118701494, 0.392764786131, 165.698711849, 424.757237926, 53.7855982056, 589.617865592, 2197.32875485, 0.733366262496, 0.545182500335, 0.02342601953, 0.07119604834, 0.0508270625102, 1.31540232722, 1.09024682281, 1.29246247343, 70.037231829, -1.58673415524, -1.96631114594, -1.54982899287, -1.51341338598] | MBH |
M. Vasile, E. Minisci, M. Locatelli | University of Glasgow, University of Turin | July, 2008 | 8.385 km/s | x=[-779.046753814506, 3.25911446832345, 0.525976214695235, 0.38086496458657, 167.378952534645, 424.028254165204, 53.2897409769205, 589.766954923325, 2200, 0.769483451363201, 0.513289529822621, 0.0274175362264024, 0.263985256705873, 0.599984695281461, 1.34877968657176, 1.05, 1.30730278372017, 69.8090142993495, -1.5937371121191, -1.95952512232447, -1.55498859283059, -1.5134625299674] | -- |
M. Schlueter, J. Fiala, M. Gerdts | University of Glasgow, University of Birmingham | May, 2009 | 8.383 km/s | x=[-779.046753814506, 3.25911446832345, 0.525976214695235, 0.38086496458657, 167.378952534645, 424.028254165204, 53.2897409769205, 589.766954923325, 2200, 0.769483451363201, 0.513289529822621, 0.0274175362264024, 0.263985256705873, 0.599984695281461, 1.34877968657176, 1.05, 1.30730278372017, 69.8090142993495, -1.5937371121191, -1.95952512232447, -1.55498859283059, -1.5134625299674] | Found by MIDACO within the project "Non-linear mixed-integer-based Optimisation Technique for Space Applications" co-funded by ESA Networking Partnership Initiative, Astrium Limited (Stevenage, UK) and the School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, UK. |