
The problem presented in this section is a MGADSM problem relative to a mission to the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The fly-by sequence selected is similar to the one planned for the spacecraft Rosetta. The objective function considered is the total mission delta V, including the launcher capabilities.
The code
- MATLAB: use the function rosetta.m and pass to it the MGAproblem variable contained in rosetta.mat
- C++: call the function "double rosetta(const std::vector & x)" provided in the GTOPtoolbox.
- C++ (PaGMO): use the class pagmo::problem::rosetta
- Python 2.7 (PyGMO): use PyGMO.problem.rosetta().obj_fun(x)
Problem Description
The box bounds on each of the decision vector variable are given below.
State | Variable | Lower Bounds | Upper Bounds | Units |
x(1) | t0 | 1460 | 1825 | MJD2000 |
x(2) | Vinf | 3 | 5 | km/sec |
x(3) | u | 0 | 1 | n/a |
x(4) | v | 0 | 1 | n/a |
x(5) | T1 | 300 | 500 | days |
x(6) | T2 | 150 | 800 | days |
x(7) | T3 | 150 | 800 | days |
x(8) | T4 | 300 | 800 | days |
x(9) | T5 | 700 | 1850 | days |
x(10) | eta1 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(11) | eta2 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(12) | eta3 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(13) | eta4 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(14) | eta5 | 0.01 | 0.9 | n/a |
x(15) | r_p1 | 1.05 | 9 | n/a |
x(16) | r_p2 | 1.05 | 9 | n/a |
x(17) | r_p3 | 1.05 | 9 | n/a |
x(18) | r_p4 | 1.05 | 9 | n/a |
x(19) | b_incl1 | -pi | pi | rad |
x(20) | _incl2 | -pi | pi | rad |
x(21) | b_incl3 | -pi | pi | rad |
x(22) | b_incl4 | -pi | pi | rad |
No other constraints are considered for this problem. The objective function is considered to the precision of meters per second.
The best solutions submitted to this problem are listed below in chronological order:
Author | Affiliation | Date | Obj Fun | Solutions | Algo |
T., Vinko, D., Izzo | European Space Agency | March, 2008 | 1.449 km/s | x=[1524.25, 3.95107, 0.738307, 0.298318, 365.123, 728.902, 256.049, 730.485, 1850, 0.199885, 0.883382, 0.194587, 0.0645205, 0.493077, 1.05, 1.05, 1.05, 1.36925, -1.74441, 1.85201, -2.61644, -1.53468] | DE |
T., Vinko, D., Izzo | European Space Agency | April, 2008 | 1.417 km/s | x=[1524.26, 3.83938, 0.262978, 0.779762, 365.574, 720.579, 262.222, 728.772, 1848.47, 0.194268, 0.225388, 0.273158, 0.671802, 0.407266, 1.61803, 1.06012, 3.33304, 1.08071, -1.32760, 1.85218, -1.44709, -1.97420] | DE + PSO |
B. Addis, A. Cassioli, M. Locatelli, F. Schoen | Global Optimization Laboratory, University of Florence | May, 2008 | 1.368 km/s | x=[1532.24175527, 4.06829338437, 0.720326051073, 0.0348126697442, 365.2434892, 712.701756835, 260.961096679, 729.491441263, 1850, 0.202466066763, 0.486930227754, 0.356331627668, 0.549883084573, 0.431923236806, 1.28119554825, 1.05000000107, 3.1003448392, 1.0841556867 -1.97835856005, 1.81131692678, -1.26622621813, -1.97940868135] | MBH |
M. Vasile, E. Minisci | University of Glasgow | Sept, 2008 | 1.360 km/s | x=[1543.30669582458, 4.62591297553792, 0.735711649721644, 0.751372228132414, 365.24128038597, 704.776990594467, 258.110840823509, 730.484771806871, 1849.99995454174, 0.341009328525255, 0.808663668992205, 0.376496220185218, 0.171287567923826, 0.431489206122146, 3.07135208604219, 1.06000000320681, 1.41824842842757, 1.39748724339122, -1.39587494176148 1.77647871470111, -2.52771948343642, -1.58247504575273] | -- |
M. Vasile, E. Minisci | University of Glasgow | Sept, 2008 | 1.355 km/s | x=[1541.2778574301 4.41425813939918 0.738120308957349 0.565680439091451 365.240617831587 708.567754159261 258.093449382336 730.090210655871 1850 0.270070640549605 0.807410043318084 0.0340763968862974 0.665797649174603 0.439110068689427 2.98093380724754 1.06 3.22629172773521 1.06 -1.69972011825889 1.79541928084097 -1.55821584701606 -1.97742285404074] | -- |
B. Addis, A. Cassioli, M. Locatelli, F. Schoen | Global Optimization Laboratory, University of Florence | Oct., 2008 | 1.344 km/s | x=[1543.32709193 4.5134580971 0.728163430778 0.083363202293 365.241449354 707.419993725 257.129520623 730.483802497 1849.96966072 0.31440923274 0.803777352667 0.0321377696745 0.123194720658 0.432626759733 1.4649721658 1.05000000002 3.18319943186 1.05823552668 -2.15517168796 1.78540451293 -1.63643821124 -1.98027492278] | MBH |
M. Vasile, E. Minisci | University of Glasgow | Oct., 2008 | 1.343 km/s | x=[ 1542.80272275624 4.47844417111601 0.731698680164396 0.878289696281778 365.242313115732 707.754644446782 257.323851633799 730.483723605649 1850 0.469187103696963 0.810371727143097 0.0572409393084966 0.123333368519021 0.436535683460624 2.65762617428421 1.05 3.19780616934668 1.05622179187182 -1.2538881176403 1.78760232965523 -1.59467141651773 -1.97732549500432] | -- |