Neural Kepler Map
Keplerian motion has long been a building block for mission analysts, but low-energy missions often require more accurate dynamical models that account for the gravitational influence of multiple bodies. Designing optimal trajectories within such frameworks remains a significant challenge.

One promising approach to tackle this complexity, reducing its dimensionality, involves the use of Poincaré maps at surfaces of section corresponding to periapsis passages of the perturbed trajectories[1,2]. These maps enable the development of a simplified analytical model, known as the Keplerian map[3], to describe the sequence of periapsis passages and analyze long-term trajectory evolution. While this approach facilitates trajectory design and offers valuable insights, its low accuracy forbids its use in scenarios where third-body perturbations are substantial, such as in cis-lunar space. In this study, we address this limitation by replacing the classical analytical Keplerian map with a novel and more general neural network model, trained to accurately reproduce the map in the planar circular restricted three-body problem while not being subject to previous limitations. Our results enable the generalization of Keplerian maps to highly perturbed dynamical environments.
[1] T.Y. Petrosky, R. Brouke, “Area-preserving mappings and deterministic chaos for nearly parabolic motions”, Celestial Mechanics 42, 53–79 (1987).
[2] Ivan I. Shevchenko. “The Kepler map in the three-body problem”, New Astronomy 16(2), 94-99 (2011).
[3] Shane D. Ross, Daniel J. Scheeres, “Multiple Gravity Assists, Capture, and Escape in the Restricted Three-Body Problem”, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 6(3), 576-596 (2007).