Mission Analysis
1 Mar 2023

Machine Learning for Trajectory Design in Multi-Body Dynamics


Exploiting natural structures of multi-body dynamical systems for trajectory design can lead to substantial savings in propellant and reduced mission complexity. In Circular Restricted Three Body Problems, stable and unstable invariant manifolds give rise to low-energy interplanetary pathways that could transform deep-space mission analysis.[1] Past and current missions like Hiten, Genesis and BepiColombo make use of weak stability boundaries and low-energy interplanetary transport networks to significantly reduce the cost of orbital maneuvers and achieve what would have been impossible under traditional Keplerian assumptions.[2]

As of today, this low-energy trajectory design framework is however unsuitable for real-time optimization and fast transfer cost estimation due to:

  1. The computational cost of finding intersections between stable and unstable structures emerging from orbits;
  2. The cost and intuition required to perform orbit cartography given a multi-body system of interest.

Project goals

A first guess's Heteroclinic Connection between the Unstable (red) and Stable (green) Manifold branches of two Halo orbits, in the Earth-Moon system.
A first guess's Heteroclinic Connection between the Unstable (red) and Stable (green) Manifold branches of two Halo orbits, in the Earth-Moon system.
This project aims at exploring the use of Machine Learning techniques to develop innovative ways of performing Trajectory Design, in the framework of CR3BP. A new method to find Connections between Invariant Structures will be investigated and State-of-the-Art learning strategies will be implemented, starting from Supervised Learning.


[1] Ross, S.D et al. “Dynamical Systems, the Three-Body Problem and Space Mission Design”, (2011)

[2] Koon, W.S. et al. “The Genesis Trajectory and Heteroclinic Connections” (2000)

[3] S. De Smet, D.J. Scheeres, “Identifying heteroclinic connections using artificial neural networks”, Acta Astronaut. 161 (2019) 192–199


Mission Analysis Conference paper
Global Optimization for Trajectory Design via Invariant Manifolds in the Earth-Moon Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem
Tagliaferri, Flavio and Blazquez, Emmanuel and Acciarini, Giacomo and Izzo, Dario
29th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics
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Advanced Concepts Team