1 Oct 2015

Hanna Läkk

Hanna earned her Master's degree in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, during which she became increasingly interested in high performance textile materials and lightweight structures. She decided to pursue her second Master in Textile Technology at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. During and in between her studies she also worked as an architect. Her fascination with textiles, textile related materials and lightweight deployable structures in architecture applications lead her to apply for the first position in Space Architecture and Infrastructure at the European Space Agency in 2015. Since then Hanna has been involved in numerous projects and activities at the ACT and ESA.

Research at the ACT

At the Advanced Concepts Team Hanna is looking into in-situ resource utilization related topics, with the focus on in-space manufacturing of habitats and other structures from materials found or produced in space.

Hanna's main research projects are:

The publications Hanna has co-authored are:

  • Lakk, H. (guest editor), 2016. Acta Futura, Issue 10. European Space Agency, the Advanced Concepts Team (link)
  • Lakk, H., Krijgsheld, P., Montalti, M., and Woesten, H., “Fungal Based Biocomposite for Habitat Structures on the Moon and Mars”, International Astronautical Congress, 2018. (link)
  • Woesten, H. A. B., Krijgsheld, P., Montalti, M., Lakk, H., 2018. Growing Fungi Structures in Space. Ariadna Final Report. European Space Agency, the Advanced Concepts Team. (link)
  • Lakk, H., Schleppi, J., Cowley, A., Vasey, L., Yablonina, M., and Menges, A., “Fibrous Habitat Structure from Lunar Basalt Fibre”, International Astronautical Congress, 2018. (link)
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Advanced Concepts Team