Kostas Konstantinidis

I am a Research Fellow in the field of Mission Analysis.
I received my PhD at Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany. The subject was the design of a mission to land near a plume source in the polar canyons of Enceladus and of the on-board GN&C system for safe and accurate landing. I received my MSc in DUTH, Xanthi, Greece, studying the motion of particles in the Earth's magnetosphere, and a diploma in applied mathematical and physical sciences from NTUA, Athens, Greece.
I have been involved in various other projects including advanced GN&C for planetary penetrators, the development of a post-mission disposal module for Earth-orbiting satellites, and the design of a mission concept for an orbiter mission to the planet Uranus. I have performed scientific visits and research assistantships at MSSL - University College London, LASP - University of Colorado at Boulder, and ILL - Grenoble, France.
At the ACT I am working on advanced mission analysis, including non-traditional approaches for GN&C. My research interests further include space systems engineering, space policy formulation, and the study of complex systems in space.
In my free time I enjoy snowboarding, playing the ukulele, and overanalyzing mediocre movies for deeper philosophical meaning.
I can be reached at tni.ase@sidinitnatsnok.sonitnatsnok.