Leopold Summerer
Head of the Advanced Concepts and Studies Office (since 2017)
Following training as a theoretical physicist, master studies in nuclear physics and in space studies, and a PhD on radiation matter interaction, I am performing, directing and managing research projects on advanced space systems and technology, have implemented some of these on small experiments (e.g. Furoshiki with JAXA), gained experience in larger projects (ExoMars) and set-up together with Andrés Galvez and Max Vasile the Ariadna research cooperation scheme which I have then managed and run, creating a large network of researchers linked to space and ESA.
Research stays labs in France, Germany, Japan.
Research interests in advanced energy systems, brain-machine interfaces, disruptive novation management.
Member of International Academy of Astronautics, Austrian Society for Radiation Protection, IAF Space Power Committee, IAASS; Editorial Board member of “New Space” Journal