1 Sept 2023

Nicole Rosi

Hello there!

I am Nicole, and I recently joined the Advanced Concept Team in 2023 as YGT, eager to take on exciting challenges in the field of Advanced Materials and Computations.

My academic background includes a bachelor's degree in Physics and Astrophysics, as well as a master's degree in Particle Physics. I conducted my master's thesis at CERN, specifically within the CMS experiment, where I worked on both hardware and data analysis for Micro-pattern Gaseous Detectors in view of the High Luminosity LHC upgrade.

I definitely am an AI enthusiast, and over the past year I have been working at DTU Wind and Energy Systems, focusing on the development of Machine Learning and Physics-Informed Machine Learning based wind turbine wakes surrogates. Exploring the innovative applications that the field of AI has to offer is always an exciting endeavor; the current moment is indeed a fantastic time to be engaged in it!

In my leisure time, you're likely to find me immersed in nature or cruising on my yellow motorcycle, seeking out new adventures and horizons.

My GitHub channel: click here!

Contact: tni.ase@isor.elocin

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Advanced Concepts Team