1 Sept 2020

Pablo Gómez

Since September 2020, I am a Research Fellow in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in the ACT.

I graduated in Computer Science from the Technical University Munich with a focus on scientific computing and high-performance computing in 2015. After that, I got my PhD at the Division for Phoniatrics at University Hospital Erlangen and the Friedrich-Alexander Universität under Prof. Döllinger. My research there focused on inverse problems in numerical models of the human voice production and processing of high-speed endoscopic video using deep learning methods. Following that research, I initiated and organized the creation of the first public dataset of such data in a collaboration of seven institutions. Afterwards, I worked for a while in industry on machine learning methods for cancer detection using genomic data before joining the ACT in September 2020.

A detailed overview of my research can be found here.

My research interests range from machine learning and high-performance computing to raytracing and digital signal processing. I am a strong proponent of open source and open access science.

In my personal time I especially enjoy electronic and classical music. I play the piano, violin and produce electronic music.

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