1 Sept 2024

Sean Cowan

Hi. My name is Sean Cowan and I joined the ACT as a Young Graduate Trainee in Advanced Mission Analysis.

In 2023, I graduated from the Delft University of Technology Spaceflight MSc program. My main scientific contribution during this time was an extensive thesis on Multiple Gravity-Assist Trajectory Optimization using low-thrust propulsion. Aside from this experience, I also did an internship at DLR working on Discrete Element Method particle simulations for the rover wheels that are to be used on the MMX mission to Phobos. After graduating I worked in Turin at a startup called Ecosmic, where I developed their first main product aimed at improving the Space Traffic Management capabilities of satellite operators.

During this year, I hope to learn an astounding amount about mission analysis and design, spanning from dynamical systems applied to the CR3BP or 4BP variants, constellation optimisation and design for e.g. quantum communication/sensing networks, or looking into autonomous navigation algorithms that could be used on future moon missions.

Aside from all the amazing things within the team, I also enjoy many things on the outside; I enjoy going on photo-walks and attempting to capture abstract patterns or unassuming passers-by. I also like sports; having completed my first triathlon in June 2024 and aspiring to complete many more in the coming years, while also maintaining my average qualities as a football player.

Contact: tni.ase@nawoc.naes

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