Climate Detectives hold their first Learning and Celebration Event

The Climate Detectives Learning and Celebration Event 2024 Group Picture

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24 May 2024

Climate Detectives is an exciting ESA education project where students investigate our precious planet Earth, taking part in thrilling activities and completing fun challenges. On 20 and 21 May 2024, 17 Climate Detective teams – each representing a country from across Europe - gathered together for an incredible Learning and Celebration Event, held at ESA's European Space Research Institute (ESRIN) in Frascati, Italy – the house of Earth observation!   

Student teams got a chance to present their projects for the Climate Detectives 2023/2024 edition during a poster session at the Learning and Celebration Event 2024

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The students that attended were between the ages of 12 and 19, and had all completed a Climate Detectives project. They investigated a climate or environmental issue and, to do so, they used real satellite images or even collected their own data. Here are three examples: 

  • The Gymnázium Poštová 9 team from Slovakia measured air quality in nearby cities and the countryside, and shared ideas to increase the use of renewable energy sources. 
  • Climate Detectives from IES El Torrelló in Spain used Sentinel-2 satellite data to investigate the impact of fires and heavy rain, and thought of different ways to help protect their local communities. 
  • Students from Ecole Sainte-Sophie de Luxembourg explored waste in the oceans, and carried out a clever experiment to see how plastic degrades in water.  

Students learned more about Earth observation, importance of satellites, and how to use satellite data during hands-on workshops at the Climate Detectives Learning and Celebration Event 2024.

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The Climate Detectives Learning and Celebration Event 2024 was all about recognising the Climate Detectives’ hard work and accomplishments. They enjoyed inspiring presentations and fascinating hands-on workshops related to Earth sciences, as well as interacting with Earth experts from ESA. They then learned about ESA’s Earth Observation programme, and even got to visit the Φ-Experience, which is a special room with unique soundscapes and interactive displays!  

Congratulations to all the students that took part in the Climate Detectives project in 2023-2024, helping us to learn more about our incredible planet. Would you like to be a Climate Detective? What environmental issue would you choose to investigate? Stay tuned for the September launch of the Climate Detectives 2024-2025 edition! 

Students posing for a group picture in front of posters at the Climate Detectives Learning and Celebration Event 2024.

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