Competition: Clouds

Visual for the Space Gallery Competition June 2024.

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Would you like to see your own space artwork on the ESA Kids site? Here's your chance! Every month ESA Kids is looking at a different theme in more detail. Themes include everything from orbits and planets to astronauts and asteroids.

The EarthCARE satellite has just been launched into space! It's a special project by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). EarthCARE will help scientists learn more about clouds and tiny particles in the air called aerosols. It has cool tools that can see what’s happening inside clouds and how they affect the weather and climate.

Different Types of Clouds and Why They Matter:

  • Cirrus Clouds: Very high up in the sky and look thin and wispy, like feathers. They usually mean good weather but can show a change is coming.
  • Cumulus Clouds: Big, white, and fluffy, like cotton balls. They usually mean nice weather, but if they get really big, they can turn into storm clouds.
  • Stratus Clouds: These clouds cover the sky like a grey blanket and often bring light rain or drizzle.
  • Nimbostratus Clouds: Thick, dark clouds that cover the whole sky and bring steady rain or snow.
  • Cumulonimbus Clouds: Huge, tall clouds that can cause thunderstorms, heavy rain, hail, and even tornados.

Clouds are very important for our planet. They help control how much sunlight and heat stay on Earth. Some clouds cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight, while others keep it warm by trapping heat. EarthCARE will help us understand how clouds do this, which will help scientists predict the weather and understand climate change better.

This month's competition: Clouds
Entries to reach us by 30 June 2024.

Artwork could be a drawing, a painting, model or mobile… use your imagination!

Get creative and show us your imagination of clouds trough art!
We will select the best entries which will go into the Space Gallery and will receive a special prize from the European Space Agency.

Check out the ESA Kids website regularly to see who our monthly winners are!  

Upload your artwork in the form below or send it to: ESA Education, ESTEC, Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299 NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

Please note: artwork cannot be returned. Due to the large number of entries we receive each month, we do not send letters to participants acknowledging receipt. Only the winners are contacted by ESA.

Maximum age limit for competition entries is 12.

Cloud and aerosol satellite launches

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