Women in space contest winners selected

Miruna (10) from Romania

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04 January 2022

Congratulations to Danah (12) from the UAE, Emmy (4) from Sweden, Luna (7) from Peru, Miruna (10) from Romania, Nirvighna (9) from India, Oishi (11) from Italy, Samuele (7) from Italy and Sara (4) from Ireland, winners of our Women in Space contest!

Danah (12) from the UAE

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Emmy (4) from Sweden

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Luna (7) from Peru

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Nirvighna (9) from India

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Oishi (11) from Italy

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Samuele (7) from Italy

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Sara (4) from Ireland

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Congratulations to all of you! You will soon be receiving a prize from ESA! Thank you to all those who participated and good luck with next month’s competition!