ESA Team Awards 2011
The ESA Team Awards give highly deserved recognition to some of the Agency’s remarkable achievements attained through collective work.
For the year 2011 eight proposals were submitted throughout the ESA Establishments. Awards were given for Corporate Team Achievements and for Teamwork Excellence.
The winners of 2011 were:
For the Corporate Team Achievements Awards
- Cryosat-2 Team
- Galileo-Soyuz-Operations Teams
- ENVISAT Phase E2 Team
For the ESA Awards for Teamwork Excellence
- Hylas Team
- Rosetta Mission Control Team
The yearly proposals are evaluated by a Peer Review Board made up of representatives from various Directorates and the Central Staff Association Committee. In 2011 it was chaired by the Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, Ms Carla Signorini. The recommendations were given to Director General, Mr Jean-Jacques Dordain, for careful consideration and a final decision.
Members of the winning teams were given an ESA Team Award certificate.