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Meet the team: AzorSat

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ESA / Education / CanSat
Teacher: José M. Coves Villaplana
Team members: Silvia Azorín Martínez, Miguel Cuenca Piqueras, Irene Laserna Montejano, Javier Pedrosa Tortosa, Javier Sirvent Navarro, Aarón Tovar Sáez
School: Instituto de Eduación Secundaria La Canal, Petrer (Alicante)
Country: Spain
Team logo
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Description of the Cansat mission:

The AzorSat team will build their CanSat from scratch. When the CanSat is ejected from the rocket, they will modify its flight in order to reach one certain point. It will be possible to change that point dynamically, to choose a more suitable point by looking to the pictures taken by the on board camera. In both cases, at the landing, the CanSat will lower its speed to prevent damage. On the ground, the CanSat will be able to move freely by using the two wheels attached to it. Finally it will send some parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity and location

Visit the team's interview.

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