Cost Engineering Tools
The Cost Engineering Tools shall advise on qualitative and/or quantitative cost aspects prior to the issue of an ITT (Invitation to tender), during tender evaluation, or during the course of contract negotiation. The Cost Analysis Division of ESA / ESTEC (IMT-CA), will participate in the evaluation process for major projects and other important action, and will support the Contract Services by participating in negotiations as appropriate You can get the latest version of ECOS software on EMITS.
NEW : The release of ECOS for Windows, version 201a is now available. ESA policy requires that this version is used for all ITTs and RFQs. Find all here.
The Software Tools ( own and acquired ) and Databases maintained by IMT-CA :
- ECOS -ESA's Costing Software
- ECOM -ESA's Cost Modelling Software
- Software Historical Database - Database of actual costs of SW development run by INSEAD (Fontainebleau)
- PRICE-H and PRICE-S -Lockheed Marietta commercial pricing tool
- PDB - Parametric Database
- NAFCOM 96 - NASA/Air Force Cost Model
- Small Satellite Cost Model : cost model for estimating S/S's of "small satellites" developed by Aerospace Corporation .The model is based on relatively recent generation of spacecraft (in the next version , one of them is an ESA "small satellite" ) where development costs are significantly lower than for the traditional larger mission spacecraft.
- ACE-IT Automated Cost Estimator Integrated Tool : Tool developed and used by the US DOD and the major US contractors for preparing and presenting Cost Estimates using formulae stored in a CER library + items taken from a Database ( ACEDB) + calculation from commercial Estimating Tools (PRICE-S , SEER ).