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29/09/2000 1890 views 1 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

A new release of ECOS, version 201a, is now available on the ESA server. ESA policy requires that this latest version must be used for all ITTs and RFQs, including those in preparation.

ECOS 201a includes some significantly improved features, in particular, the report layouts and the printing thereof.

ECOS 201a also includes a beta version of a facility which allows exchange of data during the data entry process between an external information system for cost detail preparation and ECOS using, for instance, the Windows "clipboard" mode of data exchange. This facility is called Load/Dump Cost Data and a document detailing this facility is available upon request from the ECOS Help Desk:

Another feature of ECOS 201a allows the preparation of a WBS with a long header mode in response to ITTs issued by some Space Agencies:ESA, NASA, ASI, DLR, if they wish to release the mode of creating a WBS with support functions.

As with each new ECOS version, a process of conversion is automatically called to convert data from earlier versions.

How to get the latest version of ECOS software

The latest software is available on the ESTEC FTP server. Download using FTP software as follows:

FTP address:

Userid: ecos

Password: please contact the ECOS Help Desk for the current password.

The software is compressed using LHA.EXE. Copy the following files, in binary mode, to a temporary directory: 000927W1.LZH, 000927W2.LZH, 000927W3.LZH, 000927W4.LZH

Copy these files to 4 installation diskettes as follows (from a DOS prompt):

LHA e 000927W1 a:

Repeat this instruction for disks 2, 3 and 4

Please report any software errors/improvements/suggestions to the ECOS Help Desk by e-mail or fax.

ECOS Training Manual

The ECOS for Windows training manual is available on the ESTEC FTP server in the same directory as the ECOS software, file name:Training.exe, which contains Word 95 document files.

ECOS Training Courses

ECOS training courses are designed to advise users how to create cost proposals in ECOS, including building the product tree (PT) and the work breakdown structure (WBS), as well as analyzing the reports produced by ECOS.

The next course is scheduled to take place at ESTEC Noordwijk on the 7th & 8th December 2000.

Applications for this course are required to be submitted to the ECOS Help Desk, by fax or e-mail, at your earliest convenience. The maximum number of participants per company is normally restricted to two.

ECOS Help Desk

Fax: +31-71-5656501

Tel: +31-71-5656500

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