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Recent ministerial decisions about the launcher sector will be discussed at Le Bourget

ESA at the 2003 Paris Air Show, le Bourget

06/06/2003 573 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

ESA PR 37-2003. From Sunday 15 to Sunday 22 June, ESA will be present at the 2003 Paris Air Show at Le Bourget with a special pavilion dedicated to the European space programmes.

Visitors will not have difficulty finding it, as it will be in its usual place between the life-size models of Ariane 1 and Ariane 5, just beside the Air and Space Museum.

Inside the 1000 square metre exhibition area a host of exhibits and events will highlight ESA’s activities: Space Science, Space Transport, Human Spaceflight, Telecommunications and Navigation, Earth Observation, Industrial Matters and Technologies, Future Concepts and Education.

The Paris Air Show is the largest international air show and it is an excellent opportunity for the general public and the space community to get acquainted or keep up to date with current and future space projects in Europe. In particular, the media will benefit from specific arrangements for briefings and interviews with ESA Directors and experts in various disciplines. The media programme will run as follows:

Sunday 15 June- Public day
A full day of games, quizzes, activities with astronauts and other surprises.

Monday 16 June
“ESA achievements and perspectives”, press breakfast with current ESA Director General Antonio Rodotà and future Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain.
“European strategy for satellite navigation, from EGNOS to Galileo”
Press briefing with Claudio Mastracci, ESA Director of Applications.

Tuesday 17 June
Press meets ESA’s Directors- interview opportunities all morning (location Press Centre)
“European launchers: the way forward”
ESA Director of Launchers, Jean-Jacques Dordain, and representatives of CNES and Arianespace outline to managers from European industry the recent ministerial decisions about the European launcher sector and the impact they will have.

Wednesday 18 June
“Observing the Earth: Why is it important?”
Conference chaired by ESA’s Director of Earth Observation José Achahe. Distinguished speakers will illustrate to the potential users and to European policymakers the importance of satellite images to understand and secure our planet.
ESA-UNESCO agreement on use of space technology for the preservation of world heritage
For more than a year, Earth Observation satellites have been monitoring the endangered habitat of gorillas in Central and East Africa. Building on the success of this initiative, the directors general of ESA and UNESCO will sign an agreement that will put space technologies at the service of interested Nations to help preserve more than 700 cultural and natural World Heritage Sites designated by UNESCO.
In July 2004, Paris will host more than 1500 scientists from around the World to discuss the future of space science research. Prof. R.M. Bonnet, President of COSPAR, and Prof. J. Audouze, Chairman of the Local Organising Committee, will present COSPAR 2004’s main topics and opportunities for partnership.

Thursday 19 June
Overview of ISS status
Jörg Feustel-Büechl, ESA Director of Human Spaceflight, will brief the media on the present status and outlook of the European participation in the International Space Station.
Launch of European ISS Business Club – IBC
ESA launches a forum for commercial entities associated with the design, development, operation and utilisation of the European elements of the International Space Station.
“Technology transfer: an everyday reality”
What do things like an anti-UV suit for babies suffering from Xeroderma Pigmentosum, the C 60 prototypes of the Pescarolo Sport Team, an air decontaminating device for hospitals, an alarm to monitor elderly people and the new catamaran of Yves Parlier have in common, and what do they have to do with space? Find out with Pierre Brisson, Head of ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme.
GPE (Groupe Parlamentaire de l’Espace) press conference
“The large Space Telecommunications Platform” Press briefing
“ESA’s satellite telecommunications programmes”
Press briefing.

Friday 20 June
09:30-11:30 “Women in space industry”
Debate chaired by ESA’s Director of Administration Daniel Sacotte. Share the experience of women from industry, universities, international organisations and media who could build up a professional career in scientific disciplines.
“The European Space Technology Master Plan”
Debate chaired by Hans Kappler, ESA’s Director of Industrial Matters and Technology programmes. How technology harmonisation is able to support the competitiveness of European industry and the creation of a balanced industrial landscape.
“EUREKA and ESA, an outstanding co-operation”
ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme has been cooperating for seven years with EU’s EUREKA initiative. Philippe Jurgensen, Secretary General of EUREKA. and CEO of ANVAR. and Pierre Brisson, ESA’s Head of the Technology Transfer programme present the latest achievement in their collaboration.

Saturday 21 June - public day
“Human space flight, dream and reality”
Debate in partnership with “Le Figaro”. Participants: Jean-Pierre Haigneré, Senior adviser and former ESA Astronaut; Michel Tognini, Head of ESA Astronauts core; Jacques Balmont , Advisor to the President of CNES; moderators: Fabrice Nodé-Langlois, Head of Science Section, Le Figaro and Cyrille Vanlerberghe, science journalist, Le Figaro.
As of 12:00
Games, quizzes, activities with astronauts and other surprises.

Sunday 22 June - Public day
A full day of games, quizzes, activities with astronauts and other surprises.

Media interested in attending the events above are kindly requested to return the attached form, duly filled out, before Friday 13 June (fax + 33 (0)1 5369 7690). Do not forget to bring your press card or press credentials. For free access to the air show, media accreditation is available from GIFAS (tel. + 33 (0)1 44 43 17 62)

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