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Overview of the Technical Centre at Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana

Europe’s Spaceport: digitalisation contract opportunities

23/03/2023 1759 views 26 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

Update: ESA and CNES invite industry to participate in a CSG Digitalisation In-Focus event on 4 July 2023 held at ESA Headquarters in Paris with the possibility to join online via webex. For further information and to register, please email the event coordinator.

ESA and CNES invite space and non-space companies from all European Member, Associate and Cooperating States to support the digital modernisation of several activities at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana.

Europe’s Spaceport, also known as the Guiana Space Centre (CSG), guarantees independent, reliable and competitive access to space for Europe. The upgrading of the Spaceport’s launch capabilities with the recent addition of Vega-C as well as the upcoming arrival of Ariane 6 will further increase the performance and versatility supported by a modernised launch range.

Contract opportunities

The following list shows all intended Invitations to Tender, or IITTs, prepared by CNES and ESA. These opportunities can already be viewed on ESA’s online esa-star Publication system at This is to allow interested organisations the opportunity to start advance preparation, and to demonstrate their interest to ESA.

Within esa-star Publication, click on All Non-ESA Tender Actions and enter the Tender Action number in the search box, such as '22.CSGT.033'.

22.CSGT.033 CSG’s Digitalization - IT Networks topic
22.CSGT.034 CSG’s Digitalization - Planification and Task/Operation management topic
22.CSGT.035 CSG’s Digitalization - Maintenance management topic
22.CSGT.036 CSG’s Digitalization - Technical fact management topic
22.CSGT.037 CSG’s Digitalization - Data management topic
22.CSGT.038 CSG’s Digitalization - IT Hardware topic
22.CSGT.039 CSG’s Digitalization - Right profile and access management topic
22.CSGT.040 CSG’s Digitalization - Safety and Security topic
22.CSGT.041 CSG’s Digitalization - Information Broadcast topic
22.CSGT.042 CSG’s Digitalization - Radar and Launcher Simulation topic
22.CSGT.046 CSG’s Digitalization - IT architecture and urbanization
22.CSGT.047 CSG’s Digitalization - project management and planning

To demonstrate interest and participate in a bid, an interested organisation should first register with ESA via the esa-star portal. Information on how to register with ESA and how to use esa-star is available on the How to do section of the Business with ESA portal.

The French space agency, CNES, is the prime contractor for this activity. All bidding documents are available for download in English and French at All final bids will be submitted to CNES via this same platform.

Partnering and networking

Many industrialists from ESA Member States are already present in French Guiana, providing both direct and indirect support to the various activities of the Spaceport. Helpful resources are available to facilitate networking and potential consortiums.

Companies managing launch range operational and maintenance activities, can be found at

Furthermore, companies belonging to the Association of Spaceport Employers (UEBS in French) can be found by visiting the website below. Associate companies are listed by nationality:

Stay informed

Companies that are registered with ESA and which are interested in being informed of tenders that might be relevant to them, can fill in a consent form, here

Further information

For further information and clarification, please email:

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