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01/01/2002 1021 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

This is an open area of the Industry Site where users can interact and exchange information on issues related to the aerospace industry :

  • If you are a registered user you can subscribe to the forums (to receive them by e-mail), add messages or, if you consider it useful, request the creation of new forums, and then become their owner(*)>>>>Access for already registered users ( Go there for the authentication and after come back to the forums ).
  • If you are not registered you can only read the messages.

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(*)To create a new forum please send an e-mail to : IMT-WEB and provide an explanation about the purpose and the contents.

DISCLAIMER : All information is provided "as is", there is no warranty that the information is correct or suitable for any purpose, neither implicit nor explicit. This information does not necessarily reflect the policy of the European Space Agency.

Reuseable and Small Launchers (RLV, EELV, Shuttle, Vega, ..)

SME Issues

Materials and Components

Navigation (GNSS, GPS, ..)

Cost Engineering Issues - EAECE

Search for Industrial Cooperation



Small Satellites

Telecoms and Communication Satellites

Payload Data Processing

Software Engineering and Standardisation

Autonomy in Space