ESA title

Industry Survey

04/11/2015 1477 views 4 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / Global Space Economic Forum


Public authorities are increasingly requesting evidence of the socio-economic relevance of space investments. However, since the Space Sector is not statistically defined, the data collection processes related to these socio-economic analysis have been proliferating, thus increasing the burden on the private and public entities involved in European space activities.

Acknowledging the limitations of the existing un-consolidated approaches, several European Governments have started to cooperate within the Socio-Economic Pilot Project promoted and facilitated by ESA. The project is designed to achieve the harmonisation of national industry survey data collection process in the European Space Sector. Participating Member States have gathered national space professionals and national experts in economics and statistics in order to agree on one single questionnaire to collect the necessary data. The resulting questionnaire has been developed on an agreement based on the most internationally recognised references.

In the framework of the pilot, and within the constraints of limited resources, the developed questionnaire is being virtually hosted by the Italian Space Agency, which has agreed to participate in the project by sharing, on an ad-hoc basis, its existing infrastructure. The Distretto Virtuale, the Italian data collection tool has indeed been operational for the last five years, and successfully allowed Italian space entities to enter and update their data. For efficiency and resources optimisation, the pilot questionnaire was therefore designed on an independent and fully dedicated portion of the Italian tool.

The mid-term objective of the project is to go beyond the pilot phase and continue this harmonised data collection process within ESA on a yearly basis, thus enabling adequate time series.


Participating in the Pilot Project

If you are a Space entity active in one of the pilot’s participating countries, you have been kindly invited to participate in this data collection process by your national Authorities who have also provided you with credentials to access a personal space in the dedicated web portal.

Please note that your data will only be accessible by your national expert and national Delegate (no visibility by the other entities of neither your country nor anyone outside of your country) and that the analysis will be done on a country-wide basis (no release of entity-level information).

By clicking on the link below, you will be redirected to the log-in page hosted on the ASI website where you can start filling the required information.
Link to the Log-in page

Thank you!




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