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ESA's ISD 2024 at ESA-ESTEC on 18–19 September

Industry Space Days 2024 presentations

20/09/2024 1621 views 14 likes
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ESA held its Industry Space Days event (ISD 2024) on 18–19 September at ESTEC, its technical centre in The Netherlands. It is an event where industry can meet and share their ideas for new emerging uses of space and commercial potential.

Download presentations from the conference and parallel sessions through the links on this page.

Presentations - Day 1

Download all Day 1 ISD presentations (.zip)

Welcome to ESTEC and TEC presentation
Dietmar Pilz, ESA, Director of Technology, Engineering & Quality + ESTEC Head of Establishment

Presentation Directorate of Commercialisation, Industry and Competitiveness
Géraldine Naja, ESA, Director of Commercialisation, Industry and Competitiveness

Opening remarks and Keynote
Josef Aschbacher, ESA Director General

Presentation Directorate of Space Transportation
Thilo Kranz, ESA, Commercial Space Transportation Programme Manager

Presentation Directorate of Science
Carole Mundell, ESA, Director of Science

Presentation Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes
Simonetta Cheli, ESA, Director of Earth Observation Programmes

Presentation Directorate of Connectivity and Secure Communications
Laurent Jaffart, ESA, Director of Connectivity and Secure Communications

Presentation Directorate of Operations
Rolf Densing, ESA, Director of Operations

Space competitiveness/Challenges of European space
Christoph Kautz, DG DEFIS, Director of Satellite Navigation and Earth Observation

Presentation Directorate of Navigation
Joerg Hahn, ESA, Head of the Galileo System Engineering Service

Presentation Directorate of Human and Robotic Exploration
Daniel Neuenschwander, ESA, Director of Human and Robotic Exploration

HRE services procurement: Transportation and Infrastructure
Frank De Winne, ESA, Lead LEO Exploration Group

Presentations - Day 2

Download all Day 2 ISD presentations (.zip)

The ESA SME Policy and Initiative
Jens Kauffmann, ESA, Head of the SME Section

Export Support for SME – The Enterprise Europe Network​
Simone Sparano, Chairman of the Enterprise Europe Network Aerospace & Defence Sector Group

The Business Applications Space Solutions (BASS) Programme
Christopher Frost-Tesfaye, ESA, Business Applications & Partnerships Officer

Michele Castorina, ESA, Head of Phi-lab Invest Office

NAVISP: an enabler to support European competitiveness in the PNT sector
Pierluigi Mancini, ESA, Head of the NAVISP Programme Office

ESOC – Services supporting Mission Operations for Europe’s most complex Missions
Simon Plum, ESA, Head of the Mission Operations Department

The ESA Science Future Missions and their Preparation
Marcos Bavdaz, ESA, Head of the Technology Preparation Section, Directorate of Science / Sven Wittig, ESA, L4 Technology Coordinator

Industrial Opportunities in Exploration Preparation Research and Technology (ExPeRT)
Didier Schmitt, ESA, Strategy & Coordination Group Leader, Directorate of Human & Robotic Exploration

Boost! – Opportunities for commercial space transportation service providers
Jorgen Bru, ESA, Commercial Services Manager

Enhancing European Ground Systems capabilities
Mehran Sarkarati, ESA, Head of the Ground Station Engineering Division

Discovery, Preparation & Technology Development Elements and ESA’s General Support Technology Programme
Nerea Socorro Morales, ESA Technology R&D Engineer

Space Safety Opportunities
Holger Krag, ESA, Head of the Space Safety Programme Office

Embedding Sustainability within the Space Sector
Andrea Vena, ESA, Chief Climate Sustainability Officer

Accelerating the Use of Space for the Green Transition, Crisis Response and Space Safety: Opportunities for Industry in ESA Accelerators
Graham Turnock, ESA, Special Advisor, Directorate of Strategy, Legal & External Affairs

Zero Debris: ensuring a sustainable future in space
Tiago Soares, ESA, Clean Space Lead Engineer

Vigil: Pioneering Solar Observation for a Safer Space Environment
Giuseppe Mandorlo, ESA, Vigil Project Manager

The EnVision mission to Venus and the build-up of its Industrial Consortium​
ESA, Science Directorate + Thales

Direct-to-device connectivity: an opportunity for Europe
Fabrice Joly, ESA, Head of the Future Telecom Programme Consolidation Section

Moonlight: Opportunities for Industry
Charles Cranstoun, ESA, Head of the Moonlight Programme Office

FutureNAV: Demonstrating the Future of Satellite Navigation
Roberto Prieto-Cerdeira, ESA, Head of the LEO-PNT Project and David Ibanez, ESA, Head of the Galileo G1 System Engineering Unit

Presentations - Parallel sessions

Day 1

Download all Day 1 ISD parallel presentations (.zip)

Industrial Opportunities in Europe’s Spaceport - part 1
ESA, Directorates of STS and CIC; CNES

Industrial Opportunities in Europe’s Spaceport - part 2
ESA, Directorates of STS and CIC; CNES

Cost Audits and compliant Cost Rates calculation
Karina Miranda Sanchez, ESA, Head of Industrial Audit Services and Anna Krizova, ESA, Industrial Cost Auditor

Development of version 6 of the ESA Costing Software (ECOS)
Florent Michel Doullat, ESA Cost Engineer and Paolo Ponzio, ESA, Head of Industrial Audit Baseline Services

Day 2

Download all Day 2 ISD parallel presentations (.zip)

Ramses and planetary Defence presentation
Richard Moissl, ESA, Head of the Planetary Defence Office

The next frontier – Evolving IOS towards Circular Economy
Antonio Caiazzo Calum, ESA, System and Software Engineer (moderator)

Boosting Space Safety: Accelerating Innovation and Market Growth with ESA’s Space Safety Programme Competitiveness Segment
Holger Krag, ESA, Head of the Space Safety Programme Office

REACH Office activities: introduction of the ESA REACH tool
Premysl Janik, ESA, REACH Officer

Update about the ESA Mission Classification
Tommaso Ghidini, ESA, Head of the Mechanical Department; Laurent Marchant, ESA, Head of the Quality, Dependability and Product Assurance Division

Innovations in Orbit: Patent Data Insights for Space Propulsion
Stephan Speidel, ESA, Technology Transfer Engineer; Lars Petzold, ESPI, Research Fellow

LCA and Ecodesign: Regulatory Necessity and Business Opportunity
Marie Le Pellec, ESA, Space Sustainability Engineer, Climate and Sustainability Office

CSR Code of Conduct: Elevating Responsible Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Franck Germes, Head of the ESA Contracts Department, and Nadine Aouad, ESA Procurement and Supply Chain Leader