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Join the Copernicus Supplier Industry Days

19/02/2019 1455 views 3 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

ESA invites companies, including Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to the Copernicus Supplier Industry Days on 27–28 March aimed to foster dialogue between prime bidders and suppliers in view of the upcoming Invitations to Tender (ITT) for the development of the future Copernicus Sentinels.

Prospective prime bidders will be requested to submit their offers between the end of July and mid-November. The detailed calendar of the ITT publication shown mission by mission, and proposal due dates will be presented at the event.

Each industrial offer will cover the complete industrial team, with the only exception of Ground Support equipment and Special checkout equipment which will be procured later.

The event will be held at the NH Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst, in Noordwijkerhout in the Netherlands.

Please register for this event by sending an email to Ms Claudia Wildner ( no later than 12 March 2019, indicating your name, company, role and contact details. For logistic reasons, participation is limited to two participants per company.

A detailed agenda for both days will be sent prior to the event to registered companies, together with a list of registered companies/participants.

For more detailed information on this event, click here.

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