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Overview of ESA communication activities in 2005 relevant to the media

05/01/2005 475 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA

ESA PR 01-2005. In 2005, ESA will be involved in a series of events in Europe and elsewhere. The main ones are listed below and can already be pencilled into your diaries.

January 2005

14 Huygens descent on Titan: press event at ESA/ESOC and other ESA centres
21 ESA Director General meets the press in Paris
26 Heads of Agency meeting in Montreal, Canada
End Huygens results: press conference at ESA HQ, Paris.


tbc Launch of Ariane-5 10t (ECA) from Kourou, French Guiana
12-20 'Earth and Space Week' and 3rd GEO Summit in Brussels. Exhibition and events with the EU
tbc Smart-1 results: press conference at ESA HQ, Paris
25 (tbc) Mars Express science conference/symposium and press event at ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
End Start of female long-duration bedrest study at Medes (Toulouse, France).


tbc ESA's 30th anniversary: 'Open Days' at ESA/ESRIN
tbc ATV Media Day at ESA/ESTEC
25 (tbc) Launch of Cryosat from Plesetsk, Russia
tbc 39th ESA parabolic flight campaign, Bordeaux, France
tbc Launch of Maser 10 from Kiruna, Sweden
End Noordwijk Space Expo re-opens to public after refurbishment (activities at ESA/ESTEC).


15-25 Launch of Soyuz to the ISS with ESA astronaut Roberto Vittori onboard
18-20 4th European Conference on Space Debris at ESA/ESOC
18 (tbc) 2nd Space Council (joint ESA/EU Council meeting at ministerial level) in Luxembourg
tbc 'EGNOS operational' event, Brussels.


Mid Launch of ESA student satellites by Cosmos from Plesetsk, Russia
tbc 40th ESA parabolic flight campaign, Bordeaux
27-30 (tbc) ESA's 30th anniversary: Open Days at ESA/ESTEC
31 Foton-M2 launch on Soyuz from Baikonur
tbc 14/05 at the earliest: Space Shuttle return to flight, mission to the ISS (May/June window) – Media event at ESA/ESTEC (Erasmus User Centre)


(tbc) 2nd Ariane-5 ECA launch (Meteosat Second Generation - MSG-2 - onboard)
3 (tbc) Female long-duration bedrest study ends – Press conference at Medes, Toulouse
3-5 ESA takes part in the Salon de l’Innovation et de la Recherche, Paris
12-19 Paris Air Show/Le Bourget, France (ESA not taking part)


Mid European Space Programmes at Magna Science Adventure Centre, Rotherham (UK) – until end-September



16-21 Moscow Air Show, ESA exhibit.



Mid 'The long night of the stars / Lange Nacht der Sterne' – ESA's 30th anniversary: Open Day at ESA/ESOC.



tbc Vega launcher firing test in Sardinia, Italy
tbc Soyuz flight from Baikonur for long-duration mission on the ISS
17-21 IAF 2005, Fukuoka, Japan
tbc 41st ESA parabolic flight campaign, Bordeaux
tbc Launch of 'Jules Verne' ATV on Ariane-5 from Kourou



tbc First Galileo launch from Baikonur
tbc Launch of Venus Express on Soyuz/Fregat from Baikonur



tbc Launch of new version of Soyuz, qualification flight from Baikonur
tbc ESA Council meeting at ministerial level in Berlin.

Dates of certain events, especially of launches, depend on various factors, such as readiness of the spacecraft and/or launcher, and thus remain tbc (to be confirmed) for some time. All Ariane launch dates are provisional, with definite dates being confirmed by Arianespace. Soyuz launch dates are confirmed by Starsem, and Space Shuttle launches by Nasa.

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