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Research Fellow Opportunities in Space Science

19/08/2014 6705 views 11 likes
ESA / About Us / Careers at ESA

ESA is offering exciting new Research Fellowships in the Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration at ESTEC and ESAC. 

The Scientific Support Office at ESTEC and the Science Operations Department at ESAC conduct research programmes covering many areas of Space Science. Research Fellows are encouraged to participate in these programmes, which are led by the scientific staff with the appropriate engineering, technical and administrative support.

The research projects proposed by applicants for an ESA Fellowship should be related to ESA's scientific missions, to the space research programmes of the ESA member states or to the scientific activities of the ESA Science Faculty. A brief summary of the research activities carried out by Faculty members can be found on the ESTEC faculty research and ESAC faculty research pages or at the research programme overview page. Candidates should consult these pages to identify which of the two centres offers the best overlap with their research programmes and to identify one or more staff members who could act as mentors. While certain research programmes can be pursued at both centres, in most cases the location of the mentor defines where a fellowship can be held.

The fields of research proposed are: 

  • Solar physics, heliophysics and space plasma physics
  • Planetary science
  • Astrophysics: stars and planets
  • Astrophysics: galaxies and interstellar medium
  • Fundamental physics
  • Instrumentation

Applicants must have completed their PhD (or equivalent), or be about to complete it, with the means of performing research in space science. Applicants should have good analytical and communication skills and should be able to work in a multi-cultural environment in an autonomous manner and as part of a team. 

Applications will be considered until 1 October 2014. For more information about this Research Fellowship position please see the link provided.

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