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ESA Materiality Matrix

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ESA / About Us / Climate and Sustainability

The materiality assessment is the backbone of ESA’s CSR strategy and takes into account both ESA’s and its stakeholders’ perspectives. The materiality matrix enables ESA to clearly identify the principal  sustainability aspects on which the Agency should reinforce its actions.

ESA CSR priority actions

All environmental concerns, be they monitoring and mitigating our own environmental impact on sites and infrastructures, or in the programmes and understanding the dynamics of Earth’s ecosystem, are presented as being of major importance for ESA and its stakeholders (EI, E2, E3 in Figure below).

After the stakes and challenges that relate to the core business activities, one of the most important aspects concerns the European space community (Co1 in figure below) and is linked to managing the supply chain in a responsible manner.

ESA CSR-Materiality Matrix
ESA CSR-Materiality Matrix