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European Space Talk live

26/09/2019 8196 views 74 likes
ESA / About Us / Corporate news

Follow our European Space Talk live from the HEC Paris Business School. Join students from the ‘next space generation’ for talks by European astronauts and have your say in future space activities with a live poll.

8 October, 18:00 - 20:00 CEST (16:00 - 18:00 GMT)

Take part in the poll using (click to launch) - insert the code #esa19 to start the interaction.



Recommendations for Space19+

This digital talks is dedicated to the next generation. Students around Europe will remotely connect and debate about future space activities that will be discussed at Space19+, ESA’s next meeting at Ministerial level being held in Seville, Spain, 27-28 November.

The programme will be interactive and full of surprises. The opening will be broadcast live, followed by an open debate. ESA astronauts Thomas Pesquet and Claudie Haigneré and ESA Director General Jan Wörner will present on stage and interact with the students across Europe. Participants will also connect live with ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano on the International Space Station.

Through online voting we will also collect the students’ views and produce a set of recommendations that will be presented to Europe’s ministers at Space19+.

Not yet a part of this event?

ESA is organising this event in cooperation with the Pegasus Network and invites all universities with a space curriculum to remotely connect with Paris, where almost 2000 Aerospace students will be attending. If you are a university or a student interested in participating, contact spacetalks[@]

Take a look at the programme

Start End Programme
18:00 18:05 Welcome to Europe’s Next Space Generation
18:05 18:10

Introduction and Rules of the game`

(Philippe Willekens,  ESA Head of Communications)

18:10 18:20

why is it important to talk now about the future?

(Jan Wörner, ESA Director General)

18:20 19:00

Interactive sessions with poll:

–      The future of Space Exploration and Science
–      Challenges on Earth, the rising need of Space

(Thomas Pesquet, Astronaut,
Claudie Haigneré, former Astronaut,
Jan Wörner, ESA Director General)

19:00 19:20

Luca Parmitano in-flight call
intervention and answers to students' questions

(Luca Parmitano, ISS Commander)

19:20 19:25

Hand over to the Next Space Generation

(Philippe Willekens)

19:25 19:55

University Students Space Talks about their vision for Space

(Next Space Generation)

19:55 20:00


(Philippe Willekens)