Extreme weather records (a selection)
Hottest place on earth:
57.3°C (136°F) at El Azizia, Libya in 1923
Coldest place on earth:
-89.2°C (-129°F) at Vostok, Antarctica (altitude 3420 m, 11 220 feet)
Coldest inhabited place:
-71.1°C (- 96°F) at Oimekon (Siberia), Russia
Largest temperature differential:
106.7°C : from -70 to +36.6°C at Verkhoyansk, Russia (range of 192°F from -94 to 98°F)
Most precipitation in one minute:
38.1 litres per sq.m. (1.5 inches) at Barst, Guadeloupe
Most precipitation in 24 hours:
1870 litres per sq.m. (73 inches) at Cilaos on the island of La Réunion, in 1952
Most precipitation in one year:
26,461 litres (1041 inches) at Cherrapundi, India in 1860/1861
Most rainy days per year:
350 at Kauai (Hawaii), USA
Heaviest snowfall:
1.93 m (76 inches) at Silver Lake (Colorado), USA
Highest snowfall in one year:
31.1 m (1224 inches, of 102 feet) on Mount Rainier (Washington State), USA
Highest measured windspeed:
416 km/h (258 mph) at Mount Washington (New Hampshire), USA