2016-2019 Election Procedure
Elections for the ECSL Board for the term 2016-2019
In accordance with Article 5(2) of the ECSL Charter, the next elections for nomination to the ECSL will be taking place. Election to the Board is open to all those who were Members in 2015 and includes all categories of ECSL members.
The election to the Board will be done in advance of the General Meeting of ECSL Members which is scheduled to take place in the morning of 18th March 2016, before the Practitioners' Forum. Members will be informed about the arrangements for this meeting in due course.
The procedure for elections will be in the following phases:
- Nomination phase: Members of the ECSL in good standing (i.e. who were valid members in 2015) who are interested in nominating themselves for election to the Board must send all relevant documentation to the ECSL by email by Friday 5th February 2016. The documents to be included are: the completed nomination form, including indication of support from 3 other ECSL members, a copy of the candidate's up to date CV as well as information relating to publications and membership to any other professional or academic bodies. Please note that if you are planning to run for election yourself, you cannot support another candidate's candidacy pursuant to Article 3.5 of the 2016 Guidelines (see right-hand side).
- Voting phase: Once the ECSL has received all required and completed documents from Members wishing to run for election, the Executive Secretary will inform Members of the final list of candidates by Thursday 11th February 2016. After the list has been published, all 2015 ECSL members will have the right to vote for the 9 candidates that they wish to be elected to the Board. Members are reminded that only a maximum of two candidates of the same nationality can be elected to the Board. This measure is in place to ensure broad representation on the Board not only of background but also of ESA Member State nationality. In the interests of ensuring total confidentiality, the ECSL asks those wishing to vote to send their voting forms by post to the ECSL offices before 5th March 2016.
- Election phase: All votes received will be counted and a list of candidates will be ranked according to the number of votes each received. The top 9 candidates will be elected as Board members. In the event that two candidates receive the same amount of votes, an ad hoc election will take place during the General Meeting of ECSL Members.
For more information on the election procedure, deadlines and the relevant documentation to be sent to the ECSL for the elections, please see the right hand side of this page.