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Participants at ESA ESRIN, with their brand new ESA t-shirts!

2017 ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy - Day 3 to 6

10/09/2017 1566 views 8 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

After two successful days which were centred around introducing international space law and policy to the eager participants, the focus of the Summer Course has shifted to more specific topics. The lectures on Wednesday the 6th of September focused upon international space governance and took place at ESA ESRIN. The following day, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) hosted lectures on capacity building and national space legislation. The final lectures of the first week, took place at Sapienza University and UNIDROIT, and examined space security and the Cape Town Convention & the Protocol on Space Assets.

Wednesday 6th of September

Participants at ESA ESRIN
Participants at ESA ESRIN

On Wednesday the participants were welcomed by Nicolaus Hanowski, Department Head Ground Segments and Operations at ESA ESRIN. After the welcome and overview of the activities of ESA ESRIN by Mr. Hanowski, Simonetta di Pippo, Director of the United Nations Office on Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), gave a special presentation on UNISPACE+50. The presentation gave an interesting overview of the mission statement, structure and roles of UNOOSA, and the UNISPACE+50 process, describing the thematic priorities it seeks to pursue.

After a tour of ESRIN, a presentation on the VEGA launcher and a quick lunch, the participants were given an thorough introduction to the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) by Jean-François Mayence, Legal Advisor International Relations at the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO). The lecture discussed the geopolitical context, the swift elaboration of international space law and the milestones reached by COPUOS. Following the lecture on COPUOS, Prof. Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Head of the Strategy Department of ESA, spoke about space law and diplomacy, touching upon the inter-relation between the subjects, the critical issues of space law in the perspective of diplomacy and the contribution of the IISL to space law diplomacy.

High Level Panel on the Future of International Space Governance. From left: Jean-Francois Mayence, Armel Kerrest, Sergio Marchisio, Simonetta Di Pippo and Kai-Uwe Schrogl
High Level Panel on the Future of International Space Governance. From left: Jean-Francois Mayence, Armel Kerrest, Sergio Marchisio, Simonetta Di Pippo and Kai-Uwe Schrogl

The day was closed by a high-level roundtable moderated by Prof. Sergio Marchisio. The panel, consisting of Ms. Di Pippo, Mr. Mayence, Prof. Schrogl and Prof. Armel Kerrest, discussed the present and future of International Space Governance and answered questions of both Prof. Marchisio and the participants.

The evening saw the participants running criss-cross across Rome in an attempt to be the fastest to complete the scavenger hunt. In the end, because they had answered all questions correctly, team 5, having called themselves “Guardians of the Galaxy”, won. The extra prize for most creative picture went to team 2, which operated under the moniker “Spazio Suinetti”.


Thursday 7th of September

Participants at the Italian Space Agency (ASI)
Participants at the Italian Space Agency (ASI)

The following day, the Summer Course was hosted by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The day started with a welcome by Prof. Roberto Battiston, President of ASI, with a presentation about the history of Italian space activities and ASI, the various locations of ASI and the mission and role of ASI in the Italian space system. Prof. Battiston further highlighted that more than 50% of the pressurised volume of the ISS was built by Italy, which was the first European country to participate in the ISS. Thereafter, Gabriella Arrigo, Head of International Relations Unit at ASI discussed the international relations of ASI with a focus on their cooperation with Africa.

An interactive Q&A session at the Italian Space Agency
An interactive Q&A session at the Italian Space Agency

The following short lectures discussed certain aspects of ASI. Maria Cristina Falvella, Head of the Strategic and Industrial Policy Unit at ASI, discussed the role of Italian industry in space exploration. Paolo Giommi, Senior Scientist at ASI’s Space Science Data Centre and Senior Member International Relations explained the Open Universe Initiative, which aims to provide space science data to everyone by increasing transparency of what is already available, resurface data and broaden the user-base. Finally, Alberto Tuozzi, Head of the Navigation Unit at ASI, spoke about space applications such as satellite telecommunications.

After lunch and a short tour of the ASI headquarters, the next theme of the Summer Course was introduced by Prof. Kerrest with a comprehensive presentation about the motivations for and purpose of national space legislation. The day was closed with a panel discussion on national space legislation. The panel, moderated by Mari Eldholm, Executive-Secretary of the ECSL, consisted of Prof. Kerrest, Mr. Jean-François Mayence, and Nicoletta Bini, Legal Affairs Unit at ASI. Through the many questions of the eager participants the panel elaborated on many problems and challenges national space legislation seeks to address.

Friday 8th of September

Participants asking questions
Participants asking questions

The first lecture on Friday was given by Associate Professor of Sciences Po Martina Smuclerova, discussing the meaning of peaceful purposes of outer space under international law. Prof. Maria Elena De Maestri, Senior Research Fellowof International Law and Coordinator of EUSPACE Summer Course, Jean Monnet Module, gave a presentation on EU space policy and its role in addressing space security. This presentation gave a thorough overview of the evolution of space security in EU space policy. The day continued with a lecture by Jenni Tapio, Senior Associate at Bird & Bird LLP and Doctoral Researcher at the University of Helsinki. Ms. Tapio considered the legal perspectives on cyber security and satellites. The final lecture before lunch, given by Nathalie Tinjod, History Project Coordinator and Head of Protocol and General Affairs Office in the Director General’s Cabinet at ESA, considered space history by discussing the development from navigating a great-power rivalry in space to building effective cooperation mechanisms.

Group Shot at UNIDROIT
Group Shot at UNIDROIT

The day finished with a visit and tour of UNIDROIT, including an introduction to the work of UNIDROIT by Neale Bergman, Legal Officer at UNIDROIT. Thereafter, Prof. Marchisio gave a comprehensive lecture on the Cape Town Convention and the Protocol on Space Assets explaining the nuances and challenges of the instruments.

After a successful first week of the Summer Course, the participants have the weekend off to enjoy the beautiful city of Rome, with a trip abroad on Saturday to the Vatican!

This article was written by Vincent Seffinga in his capacity as a tutor for the 2017 ECSL Summer Course. All rights remain with the ECSL. ECSL webpage editor: Mari Eldholm -