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2019 Practitioner's Forum

2019 Practitioner's Forum on The Moon Village Concept

05/11/2019 326 views 0 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

The 2019 ECSL Practitioners’ Forum was organized on 25 of April 2019 at ESA ESTEC in the Netherlands, on the topic of "The Moon Village Concept: Practical, Business and Legal Challenges". 

During the morning session, Pr. Frans von der Dunk introduced ESA DG, Johann-Dietrich Wörner videomessage on the Moon Village. The concept of the Moon Village was then further detailed by interesting and extensive presentations by Piero Messina (ESA) and David Parker (ESA).

Very fruitful discussions continued with the presentations by Alexander Soucek and Andreas Schoen (ESA), respectively on The Lunar Orbital Platform Gateway and the Industry’s Role in ISS Exploitation through Partnerships.

The afternoon session was chaired by Dr. Marco Ferrazzani to address the point of view and perspectives of public and private interests.

PtScientists co-represented by Torsten Kriening and Mari Amanda Eldholm laid out business as well as legal elements to take into consideration when conducting a mission to the Moon.

Michelle Hanlon from For All Moonkind gave an overview of the challenges surrounding the notion of Heritage sites on the Moon.

We concluded this insightful day by vivid discussions with Lynn Zoene (Ispace) on Commercial aspects of Lunar Exploration.


PS. We will unfortunately not be sharing the PowerPoint presentations from the Practitioners' Forum.

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