ECSL Practitioners' Forum 2006
"Space Tourism – Legal and Policy Aspects"
Room A, ESA Headquarters, Paris, 17 March 2006
09.00 - Registration
Morning Session: "Surveying the Scene"
Chairman: Dr. G. Lafferranderie, ECSL Chairman
09.30 - Introduction
Dr. F.G. von der Dunk, ECSL Practitioner's Forum Coordinator
09.40 - Space tourism: lessons learned from the ISS: experience
Mr. A. Farand,ESA Legal Department, Paris
10.05 - Is there a market for space tourism?
Mr. S. Bochinger, Director, Institutional Affairs, EUROCONSULT
10.30 - Space tourism, from pioneers to industry, an EADS Space overview
Ms C. Dubreuil, EADS, Vice President - General Counsel, EADS SPACE Transportation
10.55 - Coffee break
11.25 - Keynote speech The plans of Virgin Galactic to develop space tourism
Mr. W. Whitehorn, President Virgin Galactic, London
11.55 - Questions, answers & discussion session
12.30 - Luncheon
Afternoon Session: "Legal Issues in Space Tourism"
Chairman: Dr. F.G. von der Dunk, ECSL Practitioner's Forum Coordinator
14.00 -
Financing and securities issues Prof. Dr. H. Kronke, UNIDROIT, Rome
14.30 - The status of crews and passengers
Prof. P. Achilleas, University of Paris XI, Sceaux
15.00 - Tea break
15.30 - Liability and insurance issues
Mr. P. Montpert, AON, Paris
16.00 - The role of national laws in licensing companies and activities
Prof. A. Kerrest de Rozavel, University of West Brittany, Brest
16.30 - Questions, answers & discussion session
17.30 - Concluding remarks
Dr. G. Lafferranderie, Dr. F.G. von der Dunk
17.45 - Drinks