ESA title

Colloquia Proceedings

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ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

Proceedings of the ECSL/ESA/IDEST/UNESCO Symposium
"Legal and Ethical Framework for Astronauts in Space Sojourns"
UNESCO, Paris, France, 29 October 2004
UNESCO (SHS-2005/WS/22)

Proceedings of the Third ECSL Colloquium
International Organizations and Space Law"
Perugia, Italy, 6-7 May 1999
ESA Publication Division, 1999.

Proceedings of the ESA/ECSL Workshop
“Legal Status of Astronauts"
ESA HQ, Paris, France, 30 June 1995

Proceedings of the ESA/ECSL/EUI International Colloquium
“The Implementation of the ESA Convention: Lessons from the Past"
Florence, Italy, 25-26 October 1993.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1994

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