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Prof. Armel Kerrest

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Professeur des Universités

Head of the public law department of the University of Western Brittany.

Chairman of the Institute of Law of International Spaces and Telecommunications.

President of the Association for the Development of Space Law in France.

Member of the International Academy of Astronautics.

Corresponding member of the Académie Nationale de l'Air et de l'Espace.

Member of the board of the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) and of the Société francaise de droit aérien et spatial (SFDAS).

Member of the Space law committee of the International Law Association. (ILA)

He studied in Sarrebruck and Paris, he is a Docteur d'État from the University of Paris I , (J.B. Nogarro award of the Universities of Paris 1985). Professor of public law in the French Universities.

He advises for Space Law the CNES, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other governments and international organisations.

Since 1997, he is a member and legal adviser of the French delegation to the UN COPUOS legal subcommittee. He his currently the alternate head of this delegation.

He is a member of the Working Group of the French ‘”Conseil d’Etat” advising the Prime Minister of France on space law.

He teaches public law, especially international space law at the Universities of Western Brittany, Paris XI and Aix-Marseille III.

He taught in other universities on many occasions, published books and articles on European, and International Law especially space law and law of the sea.

Institut de droit des espaces et des télécommunications
Faculté de Droit de Brest
12 rue de Kergoat 29200 Brest
Tel / fax: +33 (0)2 98 01 66 09
Université de Bretagne

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